Chapter 11

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Never in my life have I seen so many people stare at me in the hallways before. It's like I was a celebrity, which is not what I wanted.


Oh great I've ran into Heather, the daughter of the devil.

"Watch where your going weird goth girl."
"I have a name Heather."
"I'm sure you do, but now that you're here, you can answer a couple questions I have."
"Ok shoot."
"Is he word on the street true?"
"I don't know what you mean."
"About you and Duncan?"
"What about me and Duncan?"
"About the affair."
"There was no affair."
"That's not what he said." Heather says in a sing song voice. I turn and run away from her. Duncan had lied to me when he said he cared about me. It was a lie, he just wanted a story.

I head into the janitors closet (which was somehow open) and close the door shut. I cry and cry and then I see some scissors. I pick them up and I stare at them. Then I "drew" on my arms. It hurts, and I feel so stupid. It's been a while since I've done this, maybe 4 months I've been clean. Then the door opens and it's the janitor. He stares at my arm in shock, like he's never seen a girl cut herself before.

"What's wrong?" He asks me.
"Everything." I respond.
"Oh I'm sure there's something going good in your life."
"No everything is bad. My dads in Afghanistan, my moms working three jobs, and people are spreading rumors that I had an affair with my best friend."
"Well I know one of those things isn't true."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm back Gwen." He says and I begin to recognize his dark blue eyes. It's my dad. I embrace him in a hug, and he hugs me back.
"I've missed you dad."
"I've missed you too Gwen, no which sorry sucker do I have to kill?" He asks and I shake my head.
"No one, it's I just don't know if I can trust Duncan anymore."
"Let me guess, you began to have feelings for each other?"
"I've had them for longer, but he's recently started to like me."
"So what happened?" He asks and I tell him everything. He nods and then stands up.
"Well it looks like you have got to talk to Duncan and sort this out."
"Dad I can't even look at him, how do you think I could even talk to him?" I ask.

"You've been talking to him for the past 10 years, what makes this any different?"

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