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—————"but this time, they can really get to know you

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"but this time, they can really get to know you."

"EVERYONE, THIS IS BETH." EGGSY introduced his red-headed friend to an already familiar crowd. She finally was inducted into the Kingsman, receiving the new status as "Agent Bedivere" Eggsy had planned a whole welcome party for her. Many of the other faces of the agency joined in with a few nods and hellos, but it was just the four main agents she was close with that all made it worthwhile. Roxy excitedly came up and hugged the girl; her blonde hair making its way on her face. It was weird to see her friends and colleagues dress so casual—as she was used to seeing the sharply dressed Hamish and Harry; hell, even Roxy. But it felt special to see them in the clothes they find most comfortable that fit their style. "Finally! Another girl here to fill the void of raging testosterone." Roxy cheekily said, eyeing Eggsy as he played with her joke, feigning with a fake hurt expression. "You hurt me, you know that Rox?" She returned with a laugh and she hooked her arm around Beth.

She turned her attention to Hamish, who she was surprised at first to learn that his real name was Hamish, as the name and role Merlin fitted his character and being. "Beth! It's lovely to finally have you on the team." Hamish's warming smile complimented her as he reached out to give a short hug, which the young woman returned. "Thank you." She said and Harry piqued up beside Merlin, with this time a drink in his hand. "Congratulations, Elizabeth." "Thank you, Harry. But please, call me Beth." She returned with a smile and Harry chuckled. "My apologies. Congratulations, Beth." He corrected himself and lifted his glass towards her. She smiled again, feeling a blush creep onto her features as Merlin patted down his best friend's shoulder. "Oh c'mon Harry, enough of the formalities. Leave those for work, we should relax, it's a party." He said and well, he was right. It was weird to see such a workaholic like Merlin telling Harry to relax, but it was a sight nobody was willing to forget. At least almost everyone forgot most of the events that night.


Soon enough, the party was bustling, and much to Eggsy's enjoyment, he noticed Beth sitting around just talking with some people in the agency, looking rather bored.

Gathering the main crew behind him, they approached Beth as she flattened down her skirt. "Hey." Looking up at them she smiled, and keeping in her laughter seeing a tipsy Eggsy lean toward her on the couch she sat upon. "You lads, are NOT going to believe tHIS, bUT..." he said, paused and then continued. "Beth over here, the BEST chess player I've EVER kNOWN. Ever!" He proclaimed like a preacher, finally finding his footing and sitting beside her. She blushed at Eggsy's praising, looking away and then looking back at the rest of the crew. Roxy also crashed beside Beth on her other side, feeling the effects of alcohol drive into her system. Harry and Hamish sat to the side, Harry on the coffee table and Hamish on the armrest beside Roxy. Harry's interest piqued at Eggsy's statement, turning towards the new agent. "Eggsy, don't sell me so short. I might be good at best..." she humbled, crossing her legs underneath her dress. "Oh that's bullshit Beth and you know it." She shook her head, ignoring his drunken ramblings. "You play casually Beth?" Harry asked, finishing another glass of that martini he held in his hands. "I guess you could say that." "That's a fucking great idea, Harry! Show us how good you are—She's lying everyone trust me she's like a fucking god at chess." Eggsy whispered to the group the last part, albeit loudly that Beth was still able to hear. She giggled at her best friend when they all looked back at her with interest. "Well, Beth? What do you say?" Hamish asked as the four of them looked in her direction.

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