Chapter One: Threw a City of death

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Quick Note: updates with be slow as I am expecting my second child.

    049 was panting as he ran down the endless mazed streets. The Crows had done as promised but still they could not hide them forever.  Surely the Lords had noticed now the Wandsman was no longer amoung the wretch souls locked away. 049 detested the garsh colours that decorated his robes and mask and yet he was grateful they hid his identity so well. They all stopped for a moment to catch their breath. Twined conjoined priests of a forgotten God smoking from an elegant golden shisha, mounted atop their shared ornate backpack, with their crab like legs clicking on the stone as it bid the three a good day. 049 politely returned the jester not wanting to offend them and draw attention with a disagreement. Dr.Narváez looked around brielf before grabbing his companions and directing them away.
      "The Red Lord is about the gate." Dr.Narváez said. Scholar's from Soto'Daris passed them their twelve arms and hands writing with fever in there many books.
       "They say he is missing." One whispered.
        "They say the doctor is alive." Another added.
        "They say the Crows laugh again." The third finished. 049 met Dr.Narváez nervous look with his own.
     "We must leave at once." 049 said his voice hushed.
    "I know of another portal." The Wandsman said. "But I know not were it opens to."
      "It shall have to do." 049 replied. Hand fulls of harlots and lustful wonders pawed at then, promising pleasure unbound as they made there way threw the crowds. The white smoke of opuim dens whisper of the lost within. 049 knew they needed to hurry, knew time was running out. Peddlers of secrets best forgot call out to the greedy minds, already mad with knowledge. For any being within a right mind would flee in fear.
      "I need a moment." Dr.Narváez called his breathing harsh. The man was doing an admirable job of keeping up however in the end he was just human among the beings he traveled with. The three entered a small empty room carved underneath a staircase and above a winding ramp. 049 remained by the door which was no more then beads and a thin veiled curtain. He retrieved his journal and began to write hoping to sooth his ragged nerves. He felt the calming effect as his pen began to mark the paper, the fimilar scratching and motion carrying him off for a moment.  
      "You seem changed Doctor." The Wandsman commented.
     "Change is inevitable." 049 muttered. "It is a constant."
      "Yes but what is at the root." The Wandsman laughed softly. "To have changed one so set in his ways."
    "Did they harm you my friend?" Dr.Narváez asked directing attention away from 049.
       "No, you arrived in time." The Wandsman replied. "Though I was beginning to worry. I was surprised the Great Doctor accompanied you." 049 was pointly ignoring them as his writing soon given way to a drawing of her, his Raven. A reminder of why he was desperately trying to return as he had left. Yet as he gaze apon his hands he winced, this place had begun to polute his body, changing him and corrupt him. His fingers had become blackened claws, sharp tips replacing soft padding. Looking back down apon her he sighed softly he longed deeply for her company. He missed her; her voice, her words, her wit and intelligence. His drawings sometimes became quite private as he yearned and ached for her comforts greatly. This time however the drawing was simple, it was just her face, just a glimpse of what awaited him back home. "Is she the one whom has earned such affection from you?" The Wandsman asked. 049 looked up at him closing his book and hiding Raven away safely.
      "I would perfer not to speak of her here." 049 replied. "Good sir are you ready?"
      "Yes, please lead the way." Dr.Narváez said.

        You sat quietly swinging your feet as you sat on the railing of Dr.Brights balcony. It had been two years since you had last seen him, your love. Each spring your Cycle returned, each summer it ended. You could barely feel 049 anymore, it was just glimmers here and there but at least they gave you the mercy of hope. You could not count the nights you cried herself to sleep, moments you gave yourself to despair. However when you reminded yourself of his promise to always return it would calm you enough yoy could face another day. You felt the warmth of the alcohol in your chest, you could hear the drunken laughter in Brights living room. What bothered you right now was you could not take comfort in the stars or moon, for your love was under a different sky.
      "Yours looookingg miighty finsh." Bright slurred. "Wanna haven fun?"
      "How much have you had?" You asked laughing.
      "Just one officer I swear." Bright replied before falling over. You rolled her eyes, and hopped down.
      "I say we draw fucking dicks and tits on his face." Clef said blowing a line of smoke. "
      "Oh I have rainbow pack of sharpe markers!" Right sang happily. You laughed again and helped them drag Brights body back inside, so they could have some proper light.

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