Chapter Three: In the Woods

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Smut Warning

The log hunting cabin was small but you honestly didn't care you were exhausted and freezing down to your bones. 049 carries you past a small kitchen and unto the joined living room, setting you down in front of a unlit fire place and presses his hand to your cheek.
"Tired." You reply teeth chattering.
"It is due to your temperature. Your body is attempting to save itself." 049 explains before he stands. 049 began starting a fire to warm you, as you remove your soaked lab coat. You can here the freezing rain turn to hail as it dully thuds atop the roof. You stare off your mind feeling hazy, your heart content. Slowly the drumming of hail on the roof sounds like something more sinister. You shiver violently as the crackle of the fire makes you jump. Your focus returns and you smile as you catch 049 adding more wood, hopeful you can have at least a bit of piece.
"Looks as if we can finally rest awhile." You say.
"So it would seem." 049 replied sitting beside you. He is also soaked and you take this time with shaking hands to look at the stitching you redid on his robes.
"Asshole I hope Alto gives it to him." You mutter. 049 laughs softly,
"Do not hate so readily. The pestilence often consumes any reason one has." 049 replied. You smile and shake your head, taking his hands. Your girls coo softly surrounding your head, they quickly also begin to shiver.
"I will try to remember that." You reply trying to steady your yourself. "I will be right back I need to check for clean clothing." You whine not wanting to leave the growing warmth of the fire. You head for the closed door closes to the back of the cabin and enter the only bed room. A simple queen sized bed lay against the large wall, an old, well loved quilt covering the top. Oddly it looked recently washed. A medium sized worn, wooden trunk lays at the foot of the bed. You try to open it but the lid won't budge, looking more closely at the lock you realize it is a finger print reader. You press you thumb against it and hear a loud click. Inside are standard issues MTF weapons and MTF body armour as well as a large medical kit. Under all of the is a radio and lap top. Taking note you shut the lid and head for the start looking threw the drawers of the large wooden dresser set just under the only window of the room. Thankfully the foundation had left some foundation issued clothing just in case, not much but they were dry. You hear the floor creak and look to the doorway. 049 dark figure stood there watching you carefully. Standing you place the clothes on the bed and turned to him.
"I will need to find the generator so I can contact H.Q." you sigh. 049 says nothing merely nods as he crosses his arms. "I really could use a hot bath." You add. "And some company."
"That sounds most refreshing." 049 replied. You nod and stand to get the generators running.

You peel off your soaked clothes throwing them in a pile so you could wash them later. Your skin burns from the cold, fingers tips red and skin turned even more pale. Sighing you stretch, your bones shifting and cracking as you groan lightly. Your still tired but the heat from the fire is slowly giving your body energy once more. You still a moment when you see a pair of black boots standing beside yours at the fire place. You tentively turn to see 049 finishing removing his cloak and hood. He stood in nothing but his leathers and mask. You swallow roughly feeling your core heating up, as you tremble lighty. His torso was now an ash grey that darken to a consuming black as it moved up to his face and down toward his hands and hips. You look away trying to get your mind out of the gutter as your face heats up. It had been so long though, and you have been so lonely. Standing naked you feel goosebumps and 049 arousal as he is no doubt looking at you. Your eyes meet his, both of you releasing a heavy breath. His eyes travel over your body, causing you to blush deeply.
"It has been ages since I beheld you this way." 049 said his voice trembling. He reaches out to brush your tangled hair from your face when 049 sees his now blackened clawed hand, he with drew quickly.
"Can you no longer touch me?" You ask tears falling down your face. 049 clenched his fists,
"I can." He replied. "But to soil you with this form. I do not know if I could bare it." You walk toward him head held high,
"I have weighted for you, for two years." You begin, "I could careless what you look like as long as the one I love still remains within you." 049 suddenly cupped your face with both his large hands and kissed you deeply, his tongue desperately tasting you. Your hand grabs the back of his neck, as the other grabbing his hip so you can press yourself flush against him. Tears fall down your face as his lips take yours over and over the sound touching the air. You cant help it and break into sobs between them unable to hold it in any longer. You lace your fingers into his black hair as your whine in your throat. Pulling away you both pant, as you burried your face into the curve of his neck.
"My Raven." 049 sighed. You inhale his scent, a musk of books and spices. The same scent you knew so well.
"I thought the worse. When I found out they took you." You cry. "I was afriad, it hurt me so badly."
"Hush now, I am here." 049 replied stroking your hair. You kiss him again desperately, as if he will disappear any moment.
"I love you doctor." You pant.
"I love you my dear Raven. Now come you are cold to the touch." You nod rubbing your eyes and sniffing.

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