Chapter Seven: Agony of Desire

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   "Stop....please!"  You sob slamming your fists into the door. "STOP HURTING HIM!"
     "Poor little bird you feed there play so easily." He laughs. You slide down curling into a ball. Another flash of pain and you scream murder, this time your fists spliter the wood. "Oh my so rough." 035 says overly excited. You pull away from the door your hands bloody and skin split. "Oh my darling bird you seem so lonely?" 035 said sitting down on the trunk infront of the bed. "Do you wish for a lovers touch."
     "Your not my lover." You reply.
     "I can be sweet bird. You are in need of comfort and protection." He replied smiling his stupid smile.
     "I am FINE!" you growl.
     "Tsk, tsk lies are unbecoming of a lady of the court." 035 said standing. You try not to whince as his hand strokes your cheek in affection. The acidic blood no longer burns, and that seems to make him giddy. He crouches down and strokes your face with both hands, petting you and nuzzling you with relish.
     "I hate you so much." You seeth grabbing his wirsts.
     "You must think I am nothing more then a mindless puppet. A pawn in this great game." He whispers.
      "If your trying to get me to feel sorry for you-." You snort. Your words are cut short as 035 begin to strangle you.
      "I hate Catherine as much as you little bird." 035 sighed, "oh how I HATE HER. I WISH FOR NOTHING MORE THEN TO TARE OUT HER ENTRAILS AND LET WILD DOGS FEAST APON THEM!" You gasp as a tentacle clamps down on your hands. 035 took a deep breath calming himself but his grip dose not loosen. His porcelain lips brush your ear, "I hate his master more even then her. He strangles all things, leaving them not even to oblivion. We will not give him what he desires." He pauses coming to realize I am slowly going limp.
"Oh my I seem to have forgotten my manners, I dare say you need abit of air" He let's you go suddenly air rushing into your lungs achingly fast. You cough heavily, as a sudden rush of blood causes your head to spin.
His hands leave you to gasp for air and to crawl away. "Now then, I desire us to feast!"
     "Get away from me!" You yell. 035 tentacles pulls you slowly toward him,
    "now, now no tears my delicate bird. I just wish you to eat." He sighed. "Quite the boring desire I must admit, bah it is not even mine.
     "Why do they want me to eat?" You demand.
    "You'll need your strength." He sighed bored. "For the conception and birth."  
     "!" You cry.
     "Oh my, I must of hit a nerve." He giggled.
     "There going to rape me. So yes you hit a fucking nerve." You reply.
       "Please they could have you every hour of every day and it would do nothing." 035 scoffed. "You both need such a special touch."
       "Yay." You reply standing. You head for the sink in the bathroom and turn on the cold water. 035 hands caresses your arms from behind coating them in the film of his blacken icor. "Just get it over with."
      "Is that an invitation my sweet little bird." 035 purred in your ear.
       "Never," You snap. "You disgust me."  He walks away giggling, leaving you clenching the sink tighlty, knuckles turning white. You take a breath and mutter 049p⁰ under your breath, trying to take whatever strength you could from it passing your lips.
      "This room is so over the top don't you think?" 035 called. "Even for me." You sink down to the floor curling in on yourself. Stay in control you repeat in your mind, stay calm. You jump backwards 035 suddenly appearing inches from your face.
      "Jesus! You fucking asshole!" You yell slapping him.
      "Shall we dine?" 035 asked. "Or shall we contuine our dance?"

     049 sighed heavily as yet another victim of Catherine's insanity screamed. He leaned against the wall massaging his temples with his good hand.
        "Do you think perhaps we should focus more on the..." Catherine began again. 049 blocked her out as he held his swollen hand close to him. The broken bones grinded as he moved, they had not even allow him to set them.  "Your refusal to assit me is getting bothersome." Catherine spat. 049 ignored her walking away. "Do not ignore me Doctor!" Catherine yelled. "Perhaps you require more persuasion?"
        "It will not matter I assure you." 049 said looking around. Catherine grabbed a scalpel throwing it at him. Even in his weakened state he caught it easily preventing it from striking him.
        "I would advise against such actions." 049 said his cold grey eyes focused on her. Angry and flustered she stomp away, leaving 049 and her victim behind. 049 wasted no time and walked over to the poor women scalpel in hand. "I am sorry." 049 whispered to her. It a single swift motion he pierced her heart, she was dead within seconds.
        "Odd you did not just touch her." Dr.Montuak said.
        "She was not infected." 049 answered his voice solem. He closed her eyes, and folded her hands.
        "Would it not have worked then?" He asked. "Is she immune?"
        "No." 049 said closing her eyes. "Unwaking death was the best cure I could offer."
         "To think the foundating considered you evil." Dr.Montauk laughed.
      "Such is the way of things." 049 said. "Many fear what you can not comprehend." 049 turned away walking toward a wooden chair. Siting he allowed his body to rest a moment as he looked apon the abomination before him. It was only a matter of time before his strength returned to him. He had to be careful how his energy was used.
     "Your dove has been screaming herself hoarse for you all day." Dr.Montauk said causally.  049 clenched his fist and looked away. "Your torment is wounding her,"
     "If sir you expect me to give into your obvious attempts of infection you will be sorely disappointed." 049 said. 049 gasped suddenly as panic rose in Raven body, her mind was screaming for him.
    "Take me to her!" 049 demanded.
    "So she is finally being entertained." Dr.Montuak grinned.
        "She is mine alone." 049 said, his darken voice echoing in the room. His muscles spasmed in fatigue as darkness leaked in thin viens along the walls.
      "Impossible." Dr.Montuak said fear flashing across his face.
      "Take me to her now!" 049 demanded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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