Chapter Two: Far from home

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      You sat across the table from the G.O.C representative and tried your hardest not to punch him in the face.
       "I am unable to confirm or deny that we have retained custody of SCP 049. As promised however you have been given one Dr.Narváez and the parathreats calling itself the Wandsmen. Both are unharmed as agreed apon."
      "Look asshole I worked here." Clef laughed, "I fucking know he is here. So play nice and hand him over like the agreement states." The man smiled his eyes dead,
     "I am sorry but I am unable to confirm-" he began when a shot rang out. Clef stood and shoved his shotgun in the man mouth no doubt breaking a few teeth.
     "Listen you cum stain I have been here for close to twelve hours." Clef said. "That is twelve hours with no sex, no booze and no horrific violence. So either you tell sweet cheeks here what the fuck she wants to know or I'm going to enjoy two outta the three with your virigin ass." The mans eyes widened and he holds up his hands, he nodded despite gagging on the gun being jammed down his throat. You stand beside Clef and rest yor head on his shoulder,
      "Alto." You sigh sweetly, "sometimes I just can't help but fucking love you." His grin widens showing everyone of his sharpe pointed teeth.

     049 was soaked and panting heavily when the door opened. He stood quickly chains pulling at him as several figures entered his cell. One among them was very recognizable.
      "Subdue him." Dr. Sherman said. 049 may have been weakened from his ordeal in Alagadda but to their surprise his physical strength was still great. He easily overpowered the few men sent to subdue him.
      "I see sir nothing has changed." 049 commented as he grabbed a man by his neck. The small opening between the helmet and chest armour allowing his touch to work with ease. "You force my hand even now!"
       "Was he infected with your pestilence?" Dr.Sherman sneered.
        "Why yes Sir." 049 answered in a matter of fact tone, "it is a shame my cure goes to such waste as I doubt I will be able to operate to save him." Dr.Sherman laughed and shook his head,
       "Your appearance may have changed Scp 049 but I see little else has." He replied. 049 fell quiet what did he mean his appearance had changed? He looked down at his hands brielfly there clawed appearance was surely different but not so much so to relieve mocking words. "Do not tell me you have not looked in a mirror for over two years?" Dr.Sherman asked clearly mocking him.
      "Two years?" 049 echoed, had he truly been gone for so long? His beloved had been  waiting for him for two years. Dr.Sherman narrowed his eyes, his expression one of confusion clearly he had not known of 049 vist to his former home.
      "You seemed distributed by this." Dr.Sherman said causally. "Is your beloved Raven not keeping you up to date?"
     "Do not speak of her!" 049 snapped, "you bare no right to utter her name." 
     "Tell me Scp 049 dose she still 'love you'? Even though you now look like the monster you are?" Dr.Sherman sneered . 049 shook his head he was done, clearly this man was wasting his valuable time and he would not indulge him in this little game any longer. Dr.Sherman promptly turned on his heels and left the cell without further word. 049 was weary, he wished to rest so he would have the strength needed to leave this place. He paused and wondered about Dr.Narváez and the Wandsman, he sighed deeply he would also need to find and free them. The door reopened this time several large and well armed gaurds came into the room. None advanced however and from behind them a mirror was shoved across the floor.
      "Pick up the mirror!" One of the men order gun pointed. 049 obligated and slowly brought the mirror to his face. His stark white mask greeted him first, but it was the skin underneath that was different. It was as black as a starless night, blending seemlessly into his midnight robes. It seemed his time within Alaggada had left its mark beyond his clawed fingers.
    "Slide the mirror back " A soilder yelled. 049 did so showing only a cold indifference to what he had seen. 049 heard them draw the dart gun this time and dodge the shot with pratice ease. The gaurds looked taken aback but seemed to double their efforts, as more darts were fired.
     "I do tire of the this." 049 said as they reloaded. They began to laugh, as 049 noticed the air began to smell odd. 049 held his breath too late as he began to feel dizzy and tired. The chains began to weight on his aching limbs and he slowly began to crumble. Unknown to him Dr.Sherman sat behind the glass impatiently waiting for him to sucum to the effects of the gas. The operation room was already prepared and awaiting his prize. Today, Dr.Sherman would finally be able to remove SCP 049 robes and mask, finally he would unlock his secrets and prove him nothing more then a madmen.

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