Chapter Four: Waiting

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049 tossed you on the bed, before quickly embracing you from behind. He licked and kissed your neck, making you moan.
    "049 what did you say?" You pant.
    "When?" He replied gasping.
     "Just now." You answer. "I...I do not speak French." He chuckles low and sensually before whispering in your ear.
      "Ton corps est mon paradis, your body is my heaven." His hands cupped your breasts, his teeth pulling on the shell of your ear. "Permettez-moi de l'adorer, allow me to worship it." You keen loudly as he rubs your harden nipples between his fingers. "Je vais te ruiner, I shall ruin you."  His memeber rubs between your legs, already hard for you again. He trembles panting even more heavily as you reach down and stoke him. "Ta douce fleur m'appartient, your sweet flower belongs to me."
      "Only to you." You whine, "please say it again."
      "ta douce fleur m'appartient." 049 whispers harshly as you line him up with your entrance once more.
       "Please Doctor again," you moan. He entered you slowly this time, inch by blissful inch.
      "Ta douce fleur m'appartient." 049 said.
       "Only you! Forever!" You gasp. 049 sharp teeth sink into your shoulder as he gave a very powerful thrust. His fingers playing with your nub skillfully. You were nervous about the claws but he seemed already to be adjusted. You arch your back into him, your hand grabbing the back of his neck.
     "My love." He said his voice low and deep. "I wish to see you lost to me."

      Dr.Bright throws a pen across the room, the reaserchers before him jumping. Raven is not responding to any of there messages . The white out was fucking their communications like a 5 dollar whore. Bright took a deep, and ran his hand threw his blonde hair. Kondraki's message was haunting him and he could do nothing to help. If Clef wasn't dead when he got back then Bright was going to do the job himself.
      "Keep trying." Bright spat finally. "Don't stop until contact is made. I don't care how long it takes."
      "Sir, Scp 035 has placed in another request to see you." Dr.Millar said. Her bright pink lips were persed she knew Bright was in a fowl mood.
      "What is it regarding?" Bright asked grabbing a half empty bottle of pills for his headache.
     "Scp 035 claims to want to talk about Dr.Crow and Scp 049." Dr.Millar replied. Bright considers it for a moment as he grabs a bottle of Vodka to chase the medication. A lower level doctor goes to say something, no doubt a warning of sorts.
      "Relax it can only kill me." Bright replies. "How long has Scp 035 had his current host?"
      "Going on an hour." Dr.Millar said. "He will need a new host soon."
       "He?" Bright asked.
       "Scp 035...sorry been a long day." Dr.Millar said. Bright nodded,
       "New host is denied. I will be there in a minute." He replied. "And tell that ass fuck if he so much as looks at me wrong he will loose his host privileges for a month."

     035 sat at the table legs cross his face in a smile as he start blankly at the wall. Turning his head he looked at through the observation window and waved politely.
      "Please do delay further, l insist." He said. "I do so love a good tragedy!" 
      "Dr.Bright is on route Scp 035." A reasercher said flatly.
      "You look lovely today, green truly is your colour."  035 began cocking his head. 035 watched them shift slightly a smile on their lips. "Is green not her favorite on you as well."
      "No, my wife hates this colour." The research replied.     
       "Oh, whom said anything about it being your wife." 035 replied.
       "Scp 035 you have exactly 5 minutes." Dr.Bright said entering the chamber. 035 slowly turned his head, keeping his body ridged.
      "A monarch in red, wishes your people dead." 035 sang, "apon a plain of snow and yet so little is known. Of the Doctor and the Queen, of a realem in need. The play has  begun, the parts have been sung. Soon they will all be dead!" The lights flickered, 035 flash purple and red.
      "I am listening." Dr.Bright said.
      "I suppose now you would." 035 hummed. "The Rapist King pulls at his chains. He demands access to this world. She will be his key." 
         "Raven? Why dose he need her?" Dr.Bright asked. 035 laughed, a high pinched noise and a deep weeze as his body furthered decayed.
       "Not just her.. oh no." 035 laughed. "His  children have been quiet." 035 laughed louder maniacally as he degraded further.
     "Get to the point Scp 035!" Dr.Bright spits. 035 stand suddenly on legs that should not have been able. The room turned a violent purple as a scream of agony was heard echoing off the dripping walls. It took staff and Bright a moment to realize the sound was being made by him. 035 grabbed Dr.Bright head in a crushing grip acidic blood melting his flesh. "Do you see!?" 035 screamed insanity. "Do you?!" Brights eyes rolled in the back of his head, as Scp 035 frowned. "Yes you see now, you see what awaits them. What it has shown me. You understand, don't you. My love and sweet little bird, their suffering will be legendary. Their first born is what he is after!" Agents pounded on the door as scp 035 rips off Dr.Brights amulet. The metal hissing but never degrading. "Beautiful insanity." He mutters, "suffering divine." He licks it with his tongue humming at the taste of ashes. "Home...sweet home." 035 whispers he then breaks his neck and falls to the ground a smile now on his face.

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