Chapter Five: The Red Curtian

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049 stood quietly, arms behind his back as he stared outside. His mind was running in frantic circles. He could now feel the presence just outside the cabin. When he fetched the firewood 049 swore he smelt brimstone but dismissed it as a trick of his mind. The blizzard howled loudly, the skeletal trees scratching against the cabin as they bent and waved. It was keeping him at bay, the man in red. Crows laughed in the near by trees, their feathers dotting the ground as the corvins fluttered angrily. They were growing impatient with the lack of action.
"Your so quiet." Raven said.
"I have much on my mind." 049 replied softly looking to her across the room. Raven's face was covered in the bluish light coming from the screen of the lap top as she tried with only failure to contact the Foundation. 049 knew however it was futile to try, they would not be allowed to call for help.
"I am sorry." She replied her voice low. 049 sighed and summoned her to him with a wave of his hand.
"Do not apologize my dear, you have done nothing wrong." 049 Answered. She closed her contraption with a click and quickly made her way over.
"Can you feel it?" She asked embracing him, "Red eyes watching us."
"Yes." 049 confirmed, "know I did not wish this for you." She kissed his cheek and nodded,
"I know but this is out of your hands. Infact I think this was always meant to happen." She replied. "Have you thought more on what I have told you."
O49 held her tightly against him as he sighed,
"Your quiet sure of your visions meaning?" 049 asked softly. He did not want to take such a thing lightly, he had to be sure.
"I can hear them." She answer stepping away from him to look out the window. "They call to me to embrace you. To create."
"If you are certain then I shall do my part, willingly of course." He lamented "it is afterall what is expected of us." Raven's lips pressed into a firm line as she turned to gaze deeply into his eyes.
"Is that all this will be to you?" She asked, "what is expected?" 049 looked at her surprised by her tone, it was bitter almost angry. It confused him as he was merely speaking the truth.
"I will take responsibility for all things regarding its upbringing. If that is what concerns you?" He replied. She turned away fustration plain on her face. "I of course will be bound to them as I am you." 049 added trying to soothed her. Raven responded by walking away, face in her hands. "I am afraid I am unsure what answer you expect from me?"
"I don't know." She mutter looking up, "I need to think it over myself."
"We have little time." 049 pressed. "As we must flee one conception had occurred. The Foundation will not allow you to carry our child."
"Just five minutes." She sighed heading toward the bed room.
"As you wish." 049 answered. She shut the door without further word, her large golden eyes the last thing he saw. 049 flinched as the Crows cawed loudly, their laugher cutting him like a knife. He knew the Brothers could not be denied in their request yet... this task bore such a heavy weight.

Scp 035 sat in his glass case, his empty, oozing eyes ever watching. His blacken blood pooled in the bottom, soon it would need to be emptied. He hoped the poor soul whom came was interesting this time, he was growing so bored with the same minds over and over. It had been some time, as be was being punished once more. Pity he so enjoyed toying with Dr.Bright. He wished to how the man had with stood the tempting call of insanity for so long. 035 smiled, each meeting with him seemed to push him closer to the Abyss as he was forced to face time immortal. Odd he was so disposable to them but then this place never really knew the true value of much. Kimberly winked from the window, her bright pink lips turned up in delighted smile. She had been all to easy to turn with pretty word and cruel jokes. Promise of lust were all she wanted, it was so painfully average. Suddenly the light turned off fimilar alarms filling the air. Oh my, 035 thought how delightfully ENTERTAINING!

A dozen or so people sat in a smoke filled room silently as a video played before them.
It was the surveillance footage of Scp 035 cell approximately 12 hrs ago. They watched as his cell was locked down, the doctors quickly evacuating the observation window as per protocol. However soon the light from a cutting torch illuminated the darken cell in the corner. Several armed mercenary jumped through the freshly cut away steel and quickly encircled the glass box that held Scp 035 guns drawn at the ready. One of them suddenly grabbed his helmet laughing madly. Ripping it off he held the sides of his head tightly as his laughs turned to screams. Tencles formed holding the others back from helping their doomed comrade. It did not take long before the man dawned Scp 035.
"So much better and such a fascinating subject. My oh my what a TREAT!" 035 declared. The tencles throw their respective mercenary into the glass walls with a sicking crunch they lay eerily still. "Opps clumsy me!" He laughs. Several red robe figures quickly entered the room, followed by a well dressed man in a three piece red suit. He bowed respectfully, promoting the others to follow.
"It is an honour Black Lord." Dr. Montauk voice called. 035 fanned his face dramaticly as he fained humble embarrassment.
"Flattery will get you everywhere." He said.
"I assume you know why we are here?" Dr.Montauk replied.
"Mmmmm, why yes I do." 035 answer rocking on his feet, "it seems you are in need of my talents as a performer."
"Indeed." Dr.Montauk confirmed. "We must hurry however, your freedom has a very small window." They began to walk together 035 humming as he went.
"I must confess I am simply over the moon to finally sample my rare bird. I cannot wait to hear her sing for me. Then to be able to experience my love once more. SUCH SWEET PAINFUL EXTASAY AWAITS!" The entire room flash purple and black as the facility shakes violently. O35 then clear his throat. "After you, Dr.Montauk."

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