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In the morning, I'm swiftly transported to LeeAnn's studio, where she's already waiting for me.

"There he is," she says with less energy than I'm used to from her. She looks almost sad to see me go.

"Oh, darling..." she says, studying my face as she trims my hair. "I'm going to miss you. You're a sweet boy."

I don't know what to say. LeeAnn is twisted in weird ways, but I can't help but like her deep down.

She quietly suits me in my Arena outfit. It's an odd ensemble. Every piece of clothing is pitch black, and I'm given odd shoes to wear. The shoes are almost like socks, but they have traction underneath them. I have no idea what the Arena is going to be from the outfit, but I'm sure it will be something odd.

When she's done, LeeAnn stands on a stool to reach my height before she hugs me. She starts shaking, and I realize she's crying.

"Oh dear," she sniffles. "I don't want to mess up my make-up."

She steps back from me, looking at my face one last time. "Gorgeous," she says. "Listen, Griff. You're a very special boy. Now, I've heard from Salacia that you are planning on sacrificing yourself for Aurora."

"I'm just here to protect her," I explain. "She doesn't deserve to die."

"I understand," LeeAnn says quietly. "But you're your own person. You deserve to have a chance too, Griff. Don't sell yourself short."

I think back to what Clarissa said to me. Everyone keeps saying the same things to me, but none of them understand.

"Thank you, LeeAnn," I say, offering her an empty smile before exiting the room.

Outside my room, Aurora is already waiting with Salacia and Nereus. She's dressed in a similar all-black outfit, but her blonde hair stands out against the suit.

"You look great," I say, offering her a hug.

"Listen up, you two," Nereus commands, and we turn to him.

"Now is the time we must all say farewell. Salacia and I aren't allowed past this point, and you both will be going in different directions. Before you go, I leave you with this advice: Fight your hardest but be smart. Before the war, the strongest frontrunner rarely won the Games. In many instances, the winner was not the strongest and not the smartest, but they used the two together to become a threat. I recommend you two do the same. I will do my best to help you with sponsor gifts but your survival is ultimately out of my control."

For some reason, I feel sentimental saying goodbye to the grumpy man, even though he's barely cracked a smile since we got here. "Thank you for everything," I say to him as I embrace him. "Keep Aurora alive," I mutter more quietly into his ear, and he nods.

Salacia is next in line. "You both look so beautiful," she wails as she clutches me tightly. "I'm going to miss you both. My very first tributes. You will both have a place in my heart forever."

I offer a fake smile as I distance myself from Salacia. I still haven't gotten used to her odd blue skin or crazy clothes, and even though she's been nice, she's certainly not someone I will miss in the Arena.

And then it's just Aurora. My Aurora. I feel tears welling up in my eyes as I hug her as tightly as I can. What if she dies in the Bloodbath and this is the last time I'll see her? You never know what could happen in the Arena.

"I'll see you soon," Aurora says like it's a promise. I just nod. I don't know what to say to her. We've been through so much together, and I can't believe the time is finally here.

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