Chapter one

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Some people read this book before I deleted it, but it blew up on TikTok, and I wasn't happy with it so I completely changed the storyline. Enjoy :)))

(The "Fuck, you're perfect." "Really?" "No." got like 400k views lmao, y'all are not mentally stable. Also, that scene is not in this chapter but it will be in a later one).


I walk into college, on the first day back after summer.

The mood on the first day is like nothing else.

Everyone chatting about their trips, bathed in a summer glow, smiling and laughing. Classes are easy, friends are reunited.

However, the best thing, in my opinion, is seeing how people have changed over the break.

And fuck, had he changed.

I barely even recognised him.

Actually, I'm sure I wouldn't have recognised him, if it wasn't for his signature angry face - y'know the furrowed brows, the mouth that sits in a straight line 24/7 (Have I seen him smile in years?).

The boy who had been pulling my pigtails since we were 5, wasn't really a boy anymore.

He was my best friend's older brother. I used to pass him in the kitchen on sleepovers and watch his sister annoy him, so I'd never really thought of him in that way, that would be weird, right?

But now... I couldn't help myself. Sorry Alyssa. Anyone who looked at him would think the same thing. Sex. (Apart from Alyssa, hopefully. This isn't Alabama.)

I could tell he'd grown a lot the moment I stepped in the door and locked eyes with him, but when he strides up to me, pushing people out of the way to get there, he is towering over me.

My heart jumps into my mouth.

I take a deep breath in, and realise I have to play it cool.

I return his stare and smile up at him, "Uhh, hey?"

My 'hey' is a question, as in:
'Hey Ro Ro what the fuck are you doing?'

The corridor went silent. People stopped and stared as they wondered why the college quarterback, the hottest guy in this fucking place, was even looking at little old me.

Although we've known each other for years, I was thinking the same thing. It's been a long, long time since we spoke.

I hate this fucking college. Full of bitchy girls and cocky guys. The only person I liked was somehow related to the guy in front of me. Somehow. I like to think he was adopted at birth. Or she was.

They cannot be related. Alyssa is a total drama queen, never shutting up for even a second, which annoys me sometimes but mostly, I love it. Ro Ro on the other hand? He's- well... the exact opposite.

He broke my stare, only to look me up and
down, his brows just furrowing more than usual, which is saying something.

"You've changed." He says quietly, but it doesn't sound like a compliment. Somehow he manages to make it sound like an insult.

I've changed? Says the guy who's grown 6 feet overnight (slight exaggeration).

I don't think I've changed.

I mean, I guess I dyed my hair blonde over the summer and it has grown, a lot.

I curled it this morning, but it has already dropped out so it just hangs in loose waves down my back.

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