Birthday Bash

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With permission I sent my little homemade lesbian porno to Mark (and other men I have been sexting). He sent me a video in turn of him masturbating to it. He later came over to help me celebrate my birthday. He felt like it was his birthday and not mine. He said this as he watched the beginning of my video again on the projector screen as I got myself ready for our night out, and it made him very hard, but we had made plans to go out for my birthday. He bought me the sexiest and most expensive lingerie he could afford and I wore it underneath my dress. We were going to dinner and a bar, just like we did on our first date. Mark said he had something special planned afterwards and I was eager to find out what it was.

After dinner and drinks he drove us to another city about an hour outside of town. It was a bigger city than ours, and I was getting more and more excited about my surprise. I begged him to tell me what it was and he would not give in. Finally, he turned onto a secluded dirt road in the middle of the woods. I was starting to get nervous because of how dark it was, but suddenly I saw a beautifully lit driveway to a huge mansion type house with several cars parked in front of it. I was in shock. He was taking me to an even bigger party than the Halloween one. As we walked up to the house, I got the butterflies again. We opened the door and everyone inside yelled, "Happy Birthday!", but there was something odd about the people who shouted. They all appeared to be in there underwear. I was taken a back by the the sight of them, and I saw familiar faces in the crowd. Some were Mark's friends, and some were people I had met at the Halloween bash. Then suddenly, Jimmy Eat World's song: "The Middle" came on and I understood what was going on, we were supposed to be in our underwear like in this band's music video. I took off my dress and everyone cheered. What a way to turn 40!

Mark and I were served mixed drinks. They were my favorite flavors of pineapple juice, rum, and a splash of club soda. I was a little nervous talking to people in my lingerie, but as I drank the less I cared. It was my playground. I saw a lot of people making out and touching each other while others stood and watched. Eventually everyone cleared a space for me, and gathered around me in a circle. There was a pillow at the center of the circle, I didn't understand why it was there. Then everyone starting singing the birthday song to me, but I didn't see Mark. He wasn't beside me, the lights dimmed, and then I saw the group make a small clearing. Mark started to approach with a small cake with candles shaped like dicks lit up. I laughed and when they finished singing, I blew out the candles. Everyone clapped and cheered, then Mark stuck his finger on the whipped cream icing and playfully touched my nose with it. Then he placed the cake on the floor and said, "Are you ready birthday girl?"

That's when I realized what the pillow was for. Everyone was going to watch me fuck Mark. I was beside myself, sober me would never do something like this, but drunk birthday me would! He took some of the icing from the cake and put it on the tip of his hard cock that was poking out of his black silk boxers. I licked it off and started sucking him like I had never sucked anyone before. I had an audience to entertain after all, I heard more cheers and a few who said, "Attagirl!". It was all so surreal what I was doing. I was so thankful for the pillow under my knees while I did this. Finally, Mark came in my mouth harder than ever before and everyone clapped and cheered again. I then left to rinse my mouth and process what just happened. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought to myself, 'What a bad bitch you are! Yes you did that!' I was flying high again as I went out to do some more crazy things with others for my birthday. Who knew being middle aged could be this fun? I doubt anyone has had a birthday quite like this.

I had such a fun night, I got ate out by a woman and then a man while he fingered me, I watched others have fun as well. I even saw Mark fuck a girl from behind as I sat and watched while riding someone else. We looked into each other's eyes as we both orgasmed. Then we went to the pool to cool off and decompress, my birthday happens to be during one of the Summer months, so it was very humid outside even at night. All I kept thinking was how lucky I am. What a party!

The next morning Mark and I awoke in one of the many rooms of the mansion. We decided to pretend that it was our home and that we were famous. We later ate breakfast, showered, and left the beautiful house. I didn't know how my relationship with Mark was going to play out, he had given me the world and then some. I just knew that I was fearless by his side and that it was a good place to be, come what may.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2021 ⏰

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