Chapter Three - Colours

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The two walked down the path, Connor simply enjoying the serenity and calm despite the lingering awkwardness from his earlier interface with Markus. Maybe the crimes had shaken him a little, but there was no way he was telling Markus that.

The path was made of dirt, but it was compacted and stable despite that. Wood lined the sides, one of the few things that were yet to switch to cool metal or cold cement. The trees were tall and prosperous, though fences were high to stop non-maintenance staff from entering and trashing the place. Small bushes lined the damp wood with soft green, a simple contrast that seemed to add so much more to the area.

A butterfly flew across - a rarity in Detroit's largely android-oriented city - landing on the fence. Beautiful patterns ran over its wings, a similar blue to that of which was associated with androids, yet so beautifully organic and untouched by code or hardware, innocent to the hell that had once been Detroit city.

Connor found himself staring at it, intrigued by the flutter of its wings that it made even though it never took off. He wanted to know more about it, but for some reason he didn't scan, rather simply observing the creature.

He liked butterflies.

Markus noticed how Connor stopped to look at it, walking over. He placed a hand on Connor's shoulder. "Pretty, isn't it?"

"Very," Connor nodded, watching as the butterfly finally took off, movements fast and hurried yet so oddly gracefully as it scaled the sky, landing on a high tree. "I like the colour of its wings."

"It's a nice blue, isn't it?" Markus smiled, glad for the little progress he had made. It was as simple as a colour he favoured, but it was an opinion of his own, it was progress.

"Yes. I also like green," Connor continued, "It has a... calming serenity to it. A perfect mix of cold and warmth, perfectly neutral and yet completely it's own."

Markus tried to ignore the warmth in his chest, fully aware that one of his eyes was that 'perfect mix of cold and warmth' Connor was speaking of so highly. Instead, he hummed in confirmation, lightly tugging the other along by his hand.

Connor followed, a small smile settling on his lips. He let his hand enclose around Markus', the warmth coming from the other android comforting and calming.

People began to appear on the path - for morning walks, most likely - but Connor and Markus paid them no mind, walking up the path, one hand closed around the other's.

Distantly, Markus heard a female voice complimenting one of them - he subconsciously moved closer to Connor, distrustful to the voice that he knew was steadily growing closer.

"He looks kinda cute, doesn't he?" The voice purred. Beside Markus, Connor tensed, having heard it too. "Hey, cutie..."

Connor pulled Markus forward, even pace speeding up to a more panicked one. The person followed, determined and apparently oblivious to the signs of discomfort. She grabbed Connor's arm, turning him around.

"Hey, I'm talking to you," she hummed, seeming to enjoy the look of displeasure Connor gave. Markus frowned, unlike this woman, not ignorant to the dissatisfaction radiating from his friend.

"And I'm calmly trying to avoid talking back," Connor retorted, rolling his eyes. There was a reason his face was never shown to the media, but sometimes it was rather annoying when he couldn't simply arrest people for something that was yet to be deemed illegal against androids. Perhaps that's why android crimes spiked so severely.

"You're a rather pretty face, aren't you? I like that fire of yours," the woman smiled suggestively, red lipstick clean and recently applied. He didn't like red. Connor scanned her - Erica Jones, criminal record: repeated attempted sexual assault, sexual harassment. He didn't like her. "A pretty face paired with a hot body~..."

"I'm not interested, Miss Jones," Connor said evenly, discomfort morphing into impatience and anger. "Now, if you could please leave me alone, it'd be greatly appreciated."

"Come on, it's not like you have anyone else to do it for you," Erica insisted. Connor was about to punch this bitch. "You don't have a girlfriend, you're an android."

"He's not just an android-," Markus was interrupted by the very man he was trying to defend.

"No, I don't," Connor growled, voice raising in annoyance. He moved towards Markus, gripping his waist. "But I do have a boyfriend, and I'd appreciate it if you left us to our date."

"B-Boyfriend!?" She spluttered, looking between the two as if she was personally offended. "Of course, I should've known someone as pretty as you would be a fag, fucking android..."

Erica stomped away, and just as Markus was about to relax, Connor sent a message through a mental link. 'Don't break character, she's still watching us.'

Markus sent an affirmation, letting his hand wrap around Connor's waist and rest on his hip, sending a glare over his shoulder, something which he hoped conveyed a threat.

Connor, in return, leant into Markus, forcing thirium to his cheeks to sell the act, even if Erica couldn't see. "That was a rather unnerving situation..."

"Yes, I'm glad she left. At least she didn't try anything else," Markus agreed, continuing their walk. 'Is she still watching?'

'Yes, we should be able to get out of her view once we turn the corner up ahead.' Connor responded through the mental link. 'Thank you for going along with this so easily, by the way. It was the only thing I could think of. If I run into her again, I'll arrest her for harassment of an officer...'

'Good idea, I don't like the idea that people like her are allowed to roam free...' Markus felt himself relax as he turned the corner, though he kept his hand on Connor's waist - he'd tell himself it was 'just in case', but in honesty he liked the other android's body so close to his.

He didn't notice the reporter on the side of the path snap a photo of them until he heard the click and turned to it. They perked up, running forward with enthusiasm, "Can you tell me about your boyfriend, Markus? Why haven't we seen him before? Is he a one-time fling, or is there something more for the famous deviant leader?"


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