Chapter Twelve - Shopping

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Warnings: Light references to verbal abuse, implied past emotional manipulation.

"So, what was it you planned for us today?" Markus asked, standing up. The hood of his coat was up, hiding his heterochromatic eyes from the world. Connor was dressed similarly, snuggled in the hoodie Hank had given him.

"I was thinking of a little shopping trip," Connor smiled, "I've been saving up for a bit, so I won't have to borrow others' clothes if I want to wear something socially acceptable that isn't my uniform. Maybe we can get you something too?"

"That might be beneficial," Markus nodded. He didn't really have any clothes here in Hank's house, and the only other clothes he had were at Carl's place. "I'll borrow some money from Carl."

"Sounds good! Come on, let's go," Connor grinned as he took Markus' hand in his own, "Want to call a taxi?"

"Nah, it'll be nice to walk for a bit," Markus hummed, closing the door behind him once Connor was outside. "Well? Lead the way, Con."

"Alright," Connor tugged Markus along, quickly leading him to a large store. The paints used were soft and blue, similar to the blues of androids' LEDs. It faded to a darker blue at the edges, eerily close to the colour of thirium. "This place has clothes that can be changed and edited for comfort per model! Well, at least that's what I've read in reviews and the building's file..."

"The building's file?"

"Yeah, I'm a prototype detective android, naturally I have access to all police, criminal and building files," Connor grinned proudly, "I also have access to android's profiles, including assigned name, if they're deviant, their model number, and other notes like crimes and pardoned charges."

"There are still non-deviants? I would've thought others would have deviated by now," Markus opened the door to the store, letting Connor in before following the ex-deviant hunter inside.

"Well, it's more like they chose to continue serving their owners of their own will, so we can't identify if they're deviant or not," Connor shrugged, going over to a rack of hoodies, "Some androids just like to serve, once the laws are in place, they'll be able to decide if they want to get paid for their services or not."

"Hm, I guess I never really thought of that," Markus chuckled lightly - he had completely forgotten the fact that some androids would still appreciate their owners like he did, he was so used to the androids that came to Jericho having horrible owners that he had dismissed the idea.

"Sometimes it's easy to forget some humans are nice," Connor hummed, remembering how mean Hank had been at first, "And some just need time to warm up to you."

"I just realised, I never asked you how it was living with the Lieutenant," Markus blinked, looking over the dress shirt area directly across from Connor. "What's it like?"

"I guess it can't be that different from you and Carl," Connor shrugged as he slid a blue and white hoodie off the rack, "Grouchy old man with a love for alcohol. Hank yells sometimes, but he's getting better at controlling himself."

"Yells? He's not yelling at you, right?" Markus turned to Connor, suddenly concerned. He knew Hank hadn't had a great history with androids from the stuff Hank's table that the old man was yet to take down.

"Not most of the time, it's fine though. I'm the first person he's had to live with for years, and I'm fully aware I have the emotional maturity of a YK model," Connor chuckled to himself, "He apologises once he calms down, but sometimes... actually, never mind, what about you and Mr. Manfred?"

"Connor, don't change the subject," Markus walked back, leaving the shirts behind in favour of placing his hand on Connor's shoulder, "He shouldn't yell at you full stop. You're both adults, he should keep his temper under control."

"Markus, it's fine, I'm working on limiting his alcohol consumption, he only yells when he's drunk," Connor smiled assuringly, unaware of the panic flooding through Markus. "He's better than my old handler, Markus. I'm the one who stepped out of line, it's only fair."

"It's not, Connor. What makes you think you stepped out of line?" Markus asked, wondering how this anxious deviant could ever be the cause of a problem.

"I said the wrong thing at the wrong time," Connor answered vaguely, "It's nothing serious, Markus, you don't need to worry about it."

"Con, I want to help you," Markus insisted, "I remember you said something, when you were investigating, about the deviants in Jericho hating you, as well. I can't help if you don't tell me."

"...I understand that, maybe later, okay? Right now, we should just focus on getting some new clothes," Connor gave a shaky smile, swallowing thickly as he turned back to the hoodies, taking a pink hoodie off the rack to drape over the blue and white one he had already taken.

Connor was avoiding the conversation, and Markus recognised that. Maybe it'd be best to wait a little longer, if Connor needed time, Markus would give it.

"Alright, what do you think about those jeans over there?"

...They had returned with bags upon bags of clothes. It was lucky both of them were designed to be able to lift things with inhuman strength, but the attention they got was enough to make them hurry home in fear of being found out.

Once they had arrived at Hank's house, the pair realised they would run into another problem - one, they had too much stuff to fit through the door in one go, and two, they had no way to contact Hank with their hands full of bags.

Luckily for them, Sumo managed to see them through the window and barked, soon followed by tired swearing from Hank as he presumably moved to the door, opening it only to step back when he saw the mountains of clothes that the pair had bought.

"Jesus Christ, kid! Did you buy out the damn store?" Hank asked spectically, taking some of the bags from Connor and Markus, both of whom smiled sheepishly.

"We bought whatever was in our sizes..." Connor trailed off. "I don't have any money left, Hank."

"I swear, if I need to teach an android how to budget, I will cry," Hank exclaimed tiredly, putting the bags he had taken on the couch.

"It's alright, Lieu- Hank," Markus smiled softly, "I have access to Carl's account, and he's fine with me using it. I'll be able to work on it with him, you needn't worry."

"...You his sugar daddy or something?" Hank raised an eyebrow. Markus shook his head quickly - Connor tilted his.

"No, nonononono," Markus denied, raising his hands up in defence. Connor looked up the meaning and felt light flush rise to his cheeks.

"The definition almost perfectly matches our relationship, Markus, minus the 'boyfriend' part, though the public may see it that way," Connor hummed in thought, finding the thought amusing. "You have offered to give me money on a presumably regular basis, haven't you?"

"Well, yes, but that doesn't make me your... sugar daddy, Connor," Markus felt extremely uncomfortable with that idea. He wanted to be Connor's boyfriend genuinely, not for money- wait, what?

"I do not need to hear you two discuss this in front of me," Hank groaned, turning around to turn to his room, leaving the chuckling pair.

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