Chapter Four - Mocha

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Connor had frozen up, surprise attacking his systems. He had been too busy tracking the girl - she was coming back, she must've heard the commotion - to notice the reporter. 'Don't break character, she's coming back.'

'Connor, they'll publish our relationship as romantic! You surely know how much reporters bend the truth to sell their stories!' Markus responded, glad he and Connor's mental link was so fast.

'She'll come after me! She's been staring at me whenever she sees me around the station, I don't like that,' Connor cursed how illogical it was to ask Markus to soil his reputation by saying they were together, but Erica made him so goddamn uncomfortable.

Markus paused, turning to the reporter, "This is my boyfriend, Connor. We're busy, perhaps ask again some other time?"

The reporter lit up, nodding before he ran away, looking excited. The two androids wondered if that was the best decision, but they couldn't go back now. In the back of his mind, Connor could sense Erica storming away again. 'We should be good now, she's leaving.'

Markus nodded, though he didn't remove his hand, keeping Connor close to him as the people that had looked at them during the small commotion, leading himself and Connor towards a nearby café instead of their original destination. 'We can't let them realise it was false, not with how the media is. And if she finds out, she'll be on your back again...'

'Understood,' Connor let himself lean into Markus, now glad he had forced the thirium to his face. 'Should we speak aloud? I've seen some couples who constantly compliment each other.'

'You sure?' Markus asked, letting some of his concern travel through the link, 'I don't want to do anything you're not comfortable with, especially after... that.'

'We need to sell the act, Markus,' Connor inisted, leaning impossibly closer. 'I'll be fine, Erica is just... annoying.'

'If you're sure,' Markus let himself relax, though unsure of what to say. "Would you like to know where I'm taking you?"

'Pet names, Markus. They'll be more persuasive,' Connor ordered over the mental link, though he seemed rather content cozied against Markus' side. "I'll admit, I am quite interested, love."

Ignoring the way his body warmed at the nickname, he nodded in response. "There's a café nearby, I heard they sell android beverages for us, darling."

"Sounds wonderful," Connor smiled, voice soft as he allowed himself to be led forward, glad when the heads began to turn away. Markus nodded towards the small, homey-looking café once it appeared in his vision.

"Over there, dear," Markus grinned, pointing towards it, "I heard they have a mean thirium mocha."

"Mocha? Oh, you remembered I wanted to try that! Thank you, love," Connor grinned - god, he was selling it too well, Markus had to scan over his memory files to make sure they weren't actually dating.

"Of course, I could never forget," Markus winked playfully. Connor laughed in return, light and bubbly and fake. Connor wasn't one to laugh over such small jokes - he would smile, not laugh so wholeheartedly. But despite that, it was nice to listen too anyway.

'Do you actually want to try the mocha?' Markus asked out of pure curiosity.

'Sure, I don't see why not. Detective Reed's friend, Tina, seems to like the human version, how different can the thirium one be?' Connor replied, and Markus swore he could feel Connor resisting the urge to smile at the question.

'Wasn't that detective, like, an asshole?'

'Yeah, but Tina's nice to me...' Connor paused, blinking, ' I just realised this walk has become something akin to a date.'

'Oh, it has, hasn't it? Are you... okay with that, Connor?'

'I'm admittedly curious. Are you?'

'Oh? Yeah, I'm cool with it.'

'Then let's go try the mocha.'

The two walked, enjoying each other's company until they arrived at the building. Connor decided he liked to be in Markus' presence, the calm, controlled authority that the deviant leader radiated without even trying made him feel safe, even though he knew he could defend himself easily. It was... strange, but he wouldn't deny it was comforting.

"Wait, are dogs even allowed inside?" Connor asked suddenly, looking at Sumo. The dog looked back, happy and enthusiastic. It'd be like not letting a kid get an ice-cream on a hot day to not let the dog in.

"Yeah, I did some research before we got here," Markus grinned, opening the door for Connor. "Dog and darling first."

Connor chuckled lightly - Markus blinked in surprise, because that was genuine, he could tell by the way the younger android's eyes lit up - and walked in, tugging Sumo along. "Don't forget yourself there, Markus."

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Markus grinned, following Connor to a small table. He sat down opposite him, Sumo settling on the other's shoes.

He liked the natural look of the decorations - vines scattered over exposed walls, contrasting against the solid white paint that stretched from the floor and climbed halfway up the soft red of the brick. Potted plants were scattered throughout the store, hidden in corners, placed as a centerpiece on tables, even as little magnets on blackboards.

Connor felt comfortable, enjoying how the colours - blue and green, stretching over the building with the same calming tranquility he adored - softly faded into each other, twisting and mixing and falling apart again, how coloured spirals lining the wall behind cushioned wooden chairs and tablecloth-covered benches.

"This is a nice place," Connor smiled.

"Yes, probably one of the best impulsive decisions I have ever made," Markus chuckled in return, registering an order to one of the waiter androids easily. "Alright, I ordered the two thirium mochas."

"Thank you," Connor continued to look around, enjoying the sights of the calm little cottage-like cafe. "I may have to come here again one day."

"I can see why, the scenery is quite nice," Markus hummed, noticing a waitress coming over with two mugs. He thanked her as she put them on the table, Connor nodding respectfully as she left.

"I've seen the reviews from androids and humans alike, people really like this place," Connor smiled, taking a sip. He retracted quickly - he had almost forgotten his tongue had never been used for non-blood flavoured beverages, the sweetness was... overwhelming.

"Con? You alright?" Markus asked, hand moving to cover Connor's instinctively. Connor nodded, placing the mug back on its plate.

"Apologies, I'm not used to... flavours. I was built to analyse evidence at a crime scene, it seems I taste things rather extremely as a result," Connor seemed off-put by his own disadvantage, even if Markus didn't mind.

"It's alright, I guess your senses are something we'll work on with your emotions," Makus smiled reassuringly, thumb rubbing over the back of Connor's hand. "We can do that, and we can do it at your pace, alright?"

"...Right," Connor breathed, looking at the drink. "Thank you, Markus."

"Of course, Connor, I'm here to help."

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