Chapter Fourteen - Carl

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"C'mon, we're gonna miss the bus!" Markus dragged Connor behind him as he hurriedly clambered onto the cramped vehicle. It was lucky the pole behind Markus was supporting him as Connor was pushed into him, nearly incoming them both down.

"Ack- apologies, Markus," Connor pushed himself off of Markus' chest with great difficulty due to the person pressing into his back before giving up and letting himself rest on Markus instead. "I'm being crushed."

Markus just chuckled, looking up at the next destination for the route the bus was on. "Don't worry, Con, we'll be at Carl's street in another two stops, people will have moved off by then."

It turns out more people had gotten on by then, and the two RK's found themselves nearly missing their stop because of how hard it was to navigate the bus with mountains of humans bustling around.

"That," Markus started, breathing exaggeratedly, "Took more effort than necessary... geez..."

"Humans don't really seem to have an organised why to stand inside a bus, do they?" Connor noted, straightening his jacket. "So, where do we go from here?"

Markus looked at Connor with mild surprise, "You didn't look it up before we got here?"

"No, I thought you'd enjoy leading the way," Connor smiled awkwardly - despite how strange it looked on Connor's lips, Markus found his lips quirking up as well.

"Thanks, Con," Markus nodded his head forward, motioning to a path in front of him. "Just this way, we got off the bus one stop early."

"Alright, I'm right behind you," Connor quickly fell into step behind Markus. What was that strange urge to hug the RK200 there for? It wasn't cold, and neither was in danger. Hm. It could be a software problem...

Carl was back in his wheelchair, much to Markus' satisfaction. They sat around the dinner table, Connor at Markus' side, Carl sitting across from them. Markus had his hand on Connor's thigh in an effort to calm the other android, who was definitely more machine-like than usual.

"Hello, Markus. Who's your friend here?" Carl asked with a knowing smile. He saw exactly where Markus' arm went, but when one's as old as he is, one learns not to disturb them.

Connor blinked when he realised he was being addressed, and put more effort than he would admit into not standing up from the table - sitting had always been such a human activity, reverting back to his default program always urged him to show them the utmost respect by never indulging in such relaxing activities.

He'd been thinking for 0.5 seconds too long, he knew Markus noticed. He needed to respond. How does he respond? His social relations programs aren't functioning. What's his name? Why can't he remember his name? He thought he had been prepared. He wasn't. He was stuck.

"This is Connor, he works at the DPD with Lieutenant Anderson," Markus answered for him, squeezing Connor's thigh reassuringly. Connor forced himself to relax into the chair, forcing his social programs back online.

"Pleasant to meet you, Mr. Manfred," Connor greeted politely, nodding in acknowledgement.

"Please, call me Carl," Carl waved off Connor's determination to call him 'Mr. Manfred'. "Makes me feel old when you call me 'Mr. Manfred'."

"But," Connor paused, eyebrows furrowing in confusion, "You are old by human standards, Mr. M- Carl."

Carl chuckled, unoffended - Markus had been the same when Elijah had first gifted the android to him. Said android could always tell Connor about politeness when talking to those older than himself later, if someone else takes offence to Connor's observations. "It's nice to feel young, kid."

Connor tilted his head, no doubt taking note of his comment. Carl had heard about Connor from Markus, how advanced the other android was. "Tell me about yourself, Connor."

"About me? I am an RK800 model, designed for detective work and combat," Connor answered easily, used to inquiries about his build, as the only RK800 prototype to be released.

Carl chuckled and shook his head - Connor was confused. Why did that not seem like the response Carl wanted? "Connor, that's your model, I asked about you. What stuff do you like? Dislike?"

"...Oh," Connor blinked, unfamiliar with the personal question that he usually asked, "...I like dogs."

Carl looked more satisfied than Connor had expected despite his minimalistic answer. "What kind of dogs?"

"Any. I like Sumo a lot, though, he's a Saint Bernard," Connor felt like he could go on about Hank's dog for ages, "He's really soft, his fur is really healthy despite his age. He likes headpats."

"Sounds like a fun dog," Carl grinned, turning to Markus, "Have you met this dog, Markus?"

"Yes, Sumo is a very loveable dog," Markus nodded remembering how pleasant the dog had felt under his fingers. "I can confirm he is in fact very soft."

"Hm, maybe you could bring him over one day, Connor," Carl offered, facing Connor once more.

"Maybe... Sumo sheds a lot, though. I'd hate to dirty your home," Connor refused politely, shaking his head.

"I don't mind, I'd love to meet Sumo," Carl assured. Connor nodded shortly, deciding it'd be rude to argue further.

"How've you been, Carl?" Markus asked after a moment of realising Connor wouldn't be continuing.

"I've been as well as these old bone will let me be," Carl chuckled, "It's a miracle I'm even back in my wheelchair. Thought I'd be bedridden for the rest of my life."

"I'm glad you're not," Markus nodded, sipping at the thirium in his cup. Connor copied him quietly, aware of the awkwardness of this situation.

"How's it in New Jericho?" Carl asked suddenly, and Connor was glad he was programmed to be as neutral as possible, because if he was human he would've spat his thirium out. New Jericho's location hadn't been made public, kept as a safe haven for unhoused or unemployed androids to keep them safe from humans.

As much as Connor wanted to trust Carl, Connor hadn't known his before deviancy. He had noticed some results he had when talking to humans were easily misread, and as trustworthy as the old man seemed, Connor couldn't risk misreading the status' in the corner of his vision.

He'd talk to Markus about it later. Right now, tea with his best friend's father.

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