Chapter Nine - Morning

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Fluff chapter! Connor and Markus are boyfriends and they don't know it. Hank does.

Connor woke up from rest mode with a reluctance to get up, despite the prompting from his program. He was comfortable and warm, and as much as he wanted to make Hank's breakfast, he wanted to stay in bed a lot more.

He almost startled when his nice pillow shifted beneath him, but he quickly found he was too relaxed to summon up the energy to jolt in such a way. He subconsciously noted that he was laying on another android - likely Markus, considering they were sharing the bed.

Usually, Connor would've moved and apologised for sleeping on the other, but Markus said he'd help the RK800 with his emotions, and it seemed laying on the RK200 definitely helped, so no. He wouldn't get up.

Markus groaned beneath him, waking up slowly. Connor was almost disappointed as he flopped off of Markus' chest, back onto the mattress below, though he took it as a cue to finally feed Hank before the old man decided to have beer for breakfast.

"Good morning, Markus," Connor greeted, begrudgingly sitting himself up. "I'm going to go make the Lieutenant some food, I'll be back shortly."

"Mhm," came Markus' tired reply, the other android rubbing at his eyes with the base of his palms. "Mornin' Con."

Connor just smiled as he left the room, letting the methodical movements of cooking clear his mind of any embarrassment that worked its way up as he began thinking logically once again.

"Morning, Connor," Hank's gruff voice sounded as Connor placed down some eggs and toast for breakfast - Hank was lucky Connor had decided to be lenient today, if the human finished his eggs there may even be some bacon later.

"Good morning, Lie- Hank," Connor smiled. He was slightly embarrassed by how many times he had called Hank 'Lieutenant' outside of work hours, only to be corrected. Again. He was trying, but for some reason he couldn't quite override Hank's title for certain situations - he had to recall the change manually.

Hank dug right into his breakfast as Connor made a coffee. He idly wondered if Markus would enjoy thirium coffee, though shut down the thought the moment he remembered he didn't have the ingredients. Stupid specialised android foods being specialised...

Markus popped out of Connor's room shortly, stretching an arm above his head despite the fact that his 'muscles' would never need to be stretched.

RK's were built for efficiency and agility, the millions of tiny joints, hydraulic systems and thirium wires that ran through them wouldn't need anything unless significant damage was done - even then, RK models had self-repairing features to minimise trips to a CyberLife repairs building.

Still, despite how illogical Markus' movement was, when they were both fully aware they were RK's who simply didn't damage easily, Connor found it... Charming. Random movements that Markus made while idle, or movements he made while active, Connor found each of them endearing to a level of which he couldn't explain.

"Would you like a glass of thirium, Markus?" Connor asked as he placed Hank's coffee on the small, round table in the centre of the kitchen.

Markus nodded, suddenly wondering how much information Connor had been programmed with. Connor definitely had that of a caretaker android he's just like Markus, that was for sure, perhaps the hunter's program extended further than just police work.

He'd have to find out later, as Connor spoke again, watching Markus curiously, as if they shared the same thought - Markus doubted that, Connor would already know. "Hot or cold?"

"Cold, please," Markus smiled softly, leaning against the wall. He had just realised Hank hadn't objected to them sleeping together, as long as they didn't disturb him. Markus was fully aware of what the lieutenant had implied, though Connor seemed unaware.

He just wondered why he wasn't offered the couch, considering the relationship between Connor and Hank. He guessed the old man would be more... protective, but the realisation that it was easy to forget that Connor was built to kill made him settle on an answer.

Connor wasn't a kid, he was a grown adult. An emotionally neglected and detached adult, but an adult nonetheless. Hank realised this - sometimes Markus was the one forgetting.

Yet, as Connor moved around the kitchen, opening the fridge to get some cold thirium only to take another bottle out of the likely warmer cupboard, Markus couldn't help but be reminded of a curious child. One that knew instructions and how to follow them, but one also willing to bend the rules when he knew he could. Who wouldn't hesitate to break them if he felt the need.

Markus thanked Connor for the cool thirium automatically, giving a small smile until Sumo came up to him, barking happily. Both he and Connor dropped to their knees, showering Sumo with affection and pats, making the dog roll around excitedly on the floor - much to Hank's amusement.

Connor thought the calm, thoughtful look on Markus' face was intriguing, but instead of asking the other about it, he settled for observing. It was interesting to see how Markus didn't really 'snap out' of his trance, rather he let some of his processing power focus on being polite and thanking Connor for the drink.

It wasn't concerning, no, because the small contented smile on his face warmed his chest with something he couldn't explain - he guessed he didn't feel the need to understand it, he just wanted to appreciate the feeling while it lasted instead of dwell on it until it turned into dull frustration.

Connor was certain Markus hadn't noticed how their fingers brushed against each other as they pet Sumo, and he was slightly grateful - he wondered how Markus would react to seeing Connor's skin peel back instinctively after the slightest contact.

Hank watched Connor's hand jolt back slightly, evident by the sharp movement of his elbow and internally sighed. He was too old for his son's romance misadventures... he'd have to make sure Connor avoided Disney, lest he think he can be rescued by a prince and marry him within a week...

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