A New Direction

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A few weeks have passed since the end of season 1. Blaine just came out of the shower after washing his hair for the first time in months (don't worry, he's been showering!). The New Directions are seeing his natural hair for the first time ever. It's very floofy.

Kurt, shocked: What the- Blaine, I love you to the moon and back, but that is some scary stuff right there. It's like you have an entire bush growing on your head.

Santana: Bush? No, that's a whole forest.

Brittany: Now I understand why you use so much gel.

Blaine: You mean used. Past tense. The Warblers still have the gel, and it doesn't feel right to continue the fight without Finn, so this is just a temporary look until we somehow obtain more gel.

Sam: Whoa. I almost didn't recognize you with your hair not gelled, B. And now the whole gel thing makes sense. Whatever it is you have going on up there is frightening.

Blaine: So I've heard. And I wholeheartedly agree. We need to get some more gel. But how?

Kurt: Maybe we could find a way to get it back from the Warblers. Send another mole, maybe?

Blaine: No, the mole thing blew up in our faces once before.

Santana: That's only because you were the world's worst mole. You were only in it for the cronuts, you pretended to date Sebastian while still in love with Kurt, need I go on?

Blaine: Ouch. But yeah, the Warblers idea is still on the table. If we were to send someone over there, it'd have to be someone other than Kurt. Sebastian is a loose cannon, so we have no idea what he'll try next. The only reason why Kurt survived the Battle of the Gel is because of Finn's sacrifice, God rest his soul.

Brittany: Yeah. Besides, we shouldn't really do anything without a plan.

A beat.

Blaine: A plan?

Brittany: Yep.

Blaine: Now that I think about it, I think I might have one of those.

Santana: I'm afraid.

Cut. The New Directions are having a meeting. It's just Blaine who's standing before the club, because he is the only leader at present.

Blaine: First things first: we need a new co-leader. Finn fought bravely at the Battle of the Gel and will be dearly missed by all of us, and I would ask Rachel to serve alongside me but she has her hands full with Finlee at the moment.

Rachel: I really do. Parenting is a lot of work, and not having Finn here has been making it even harder than I thought. Quinn's been helping me out a lot, though, thank God. They say it takes a village to raise a child.

Quinn: That's right. Rachel's my friend, it's the least I can do. Besides, I regret not being there for Beth, so helping Rach with Finlee is, like, making up for the time I lost with her.

Blaine: That being said, I do in fact have a new co-leader in mind.

Santana: Let me guess: Kurt.

Blaine: I had considered that, but we ultimately decided that it might be too hard on our relationship. The person I did decide on, however, was suggested by Kurt, and it's none other than the formidable Santana Diabla Lopez. Santana is undoubtedly the strongest fighter of us all, and judging by her actions at the Battle of the Gel, she's the definition of leadership material.

Santana: Everybody knows that, Blaine. No need to suck up to me. Although I do appreciate the compliments.

Blaine: No problem. All in favor of Santana taking over Finn's post?

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