17) Heaven Is Hell - SayWeCanFly

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thankfully, I got away from Jaden. What a creep. Once I was back in my room I took my shoes and beanie off and then decided I was going to have a bath.

I walked into the bathroom and started running the bath while I got undressed. I also got my phone out and plugged it into my speakers, but I turned the volume down so I wouldn't get kicked out here on my first night.

When I pressed shuffle the song that came on was 'Heaven Is Hell' by SayWeCanFly or Braden. I smiled to myself thinking back to the plane and I started humming the words.

When my bath was finally ready I locked my door, just incase and then I got into the bath.

I closed my eyes and went under for a little bit. I felt relaxed and happy, but then I looked over to my arm. That was a bad stage in my life. Self-harm is a horrible thing.

I turned the water off so it wouldn't overflow and then I closed my eyes once again, this time falling asleep.

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