32) Love, Love, Love - EXO

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The boys were amazing onstage, but that didn't surprise me at all. My phone buzzed so I looked down to see I had a message. To my surprise it was from Jungkook.

From Jungkookie Oppa~
Come round the side of the stage. X

To Jungkookie Oppa~
Why?.. X

As he replied "just do it" I did as I was told and walked round to the side of the stage. I saw Jungkook standing there trying to hide, but not doing a very good job of it.

"Jungkook?" I said to him as he jumped up

"You scared me," he then got a huge grin on his face and said "come with me" he pulled my hand and we walked around backstage and then got to their dressing room.

"You really stood out to us and we wanted to get to know you more so we thought, let's hang out with her" he said and they all looked at me with cute smiles on their faces.

"Oh, and could you message the girl you were with to come round too?.." Yoongi said, shyly as I turned around to message Danica. Straight away I got a message back and I could feel her fangirling through the phone. I told Yoongi she was on her way back so he walked out to meet her so she wouldn't get stopped by security.

"We have the whole day to ourselves tomorrow, what do you wanna do? And oh yeah, you're staying with us tonight" Taehyung said to me, smiling.

"Oh, I don't know? And I don't have any other clothes with me?" I said back

"That's okay, don't worry about it" I was sorta confused, but I decided to just relax, it's not everyday you get to hang out with idols.

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