31) Today - JJCC

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I looked down at my phone to see what time it was and how long I had left with the boys before they went onstage. As I was looking up, I got a fright to see that someone was standing in front of me.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you" Jungkook said to me, trying his best at English and just sounding adorable.

"That's okay, I just didn't expect someone to be there" I said back in Korean, because my Korean is probably better than his English.

Me and Jungkook ended up speaking for awhile and found we had quite a bit in common. It was nice just talking to him as two people and not an idol and a fan. He kept making fun of my height because I was quite a bit shorter than him, even in my platforms.

"Jiminnie hyung! Look, she's shorter than you!" Jungkook called over to Jimin, excitedly.

"Now you know how it feels" Jimin whispered in my ear, to which I giggled.

"If you have such a problem with me being short then buy me heels!" I said, jokingly to Jungkook, who just laughed in response.

A security guard walked in and I knew it was that time that I dreaded, we had to leave. I began to feel very sad and Jungkook could tell.

"Hey, don't be sad. I'll make sure to see you again soon, beautiful!" He said, smiling at me, instantly lifting my mood. I nodded to him and we hugged.

"Can I borrow your phone for a second?" He asked me, I reluctantly gave him it. He started typing away and then he took a picture of himself where he was sticking his tongue out. He handed my phone back to me. He had saved his number into my phone and set his contact picture. He had put his name as 'Jungkookie Oppa~' I smiled up to him as he hugged me once more. He started laughing as we hugged.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"You're just so tiny!" He replied, trying to hold his laughter in, but failing.


I had went around and hugged all of the guys and then we were escorted outside and into the crowd. I was talking with Danica and she just kept fangirling over Yoongi and how great he is at hugs.

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