25) Call Me Baby - EXO

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On my little wander around the house I found 4 horny teenagers, someone throwing up in a plant pot and someone naked in the pool. Is this what teen parties are like? I've never been to a party like this before.

The music in the house was really loud and just terrible so I walked out the back which had a little forest bit and I sat on a swing there. I put my earphones in and started listening to Seventeen. Akkinda came on and I just started smiling because of how cute the boys are.

I felt this really weird feeling so I turned around and I got a fright to see that a girl was standing behind me.

"Um.. Hello?" I said to the girl who was still just standing there, looking at me.

"Hi!" She said, smiling and skipping closer to me and she stood next to the swing.

"You like Seventeen?! My friend's in that group!" She said, excitedly.

"I don't believe you, who's your friend?"

"Hansol, or Vernon I guess he's known as now. We used to hang out when we were kids"

"Oh, really? He's my favourite in the group" I said, letting out a little laugh

"I haven't seen him for ages, but I've got his number if you want it?"

"Wouldn't that be a bit weird?" I replied

"No, I'll tell him you've got it and anyway, he's a cool guy" she said, smiling.

I smiled too as she gave me his number. Well I hope it's actually his number.

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