•Chapter Five•

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I book it out of my room. She imprinted on my twin? I ran out of the house. I need to see the Roi et Reine in Paris. I am running as fast as my legs can take me. I see a motorcycle. I grab it and start it. I booked it to the farthest airport in America. I went all the way to Maine and got on a plane. I pulled out my phone once boarded and messaged Sanson. I havent seen him in a long time.

Dearest Sanson, I have run into an issue. It seems that a shape-shifter has imprinted on my brother and I. She doesn't want me to come now that you guys have summoned me. I wish for you to say that you do not require my brothers assistance anymore. I am already on my way to the palace in Paris. He messaged me back almost immediately.

Loveliest Delilah, I am so glad you messaged me. I see how that would be an issue. When you arrive at the palace we shall discuss with great detail about what to do. For now I have sent Lukas and Lilyan to come and pick you up when your plane lands. Would you like me to order that your family is not to be allowed in France? I have already dismissed the need for your brother. Thats my Sanson, he is always there for me.

Yes, please. I do not wish to see mine or the Waya family either. Many thanks, lots of love, Delilah.

The plane started to land and I buckled up. Im not as durable as the rest of my family. The plane lands and we are allowed to leave. I walk off like a normal person. I see Lilyan and Lukas waiting for me. They smile as soon as they see me. I dont understand why two antisocial vampire twins took a liking to a half breed that doesnt drink any kind of blood.

I walk to them. Lukas opens the door for me. I thank him and buckle up. He hops in the passenger seat and I buckle up. Lilyan drives off and Lukas tries to remind me to buckle. I tell him that I have already done that.

When we arrive at the palace, Lukas opens the door for me and Lilyan runs over and grabs my hand. I run with her to the meeting hall.

Whats up my other family? I holler out. They seem to be in the meeting with some other family. They excuse the family and make their way over to me. I give all of them a hug.

Sanson, you dont look a day over twenty! It was true, he was turned into a vampire three hours before he turned twenty-one. We joke about it all of the time.

Sweet Delilah, have you come to accept my offer and join us? We have a spot among us for you. Do you want to be a queen dearest Delilah?

I dont want to be a queen, I want to be a princess! He nods his head.

We can do that. Yay! I get to be a princess! That means, I have influence, but I am not met with as many responsibilities. I cant wait to have so much fun!

Lilyan grabs my hand and we go to my room. I walk into the all white room I decorated a couple years ago. I flop onto my bed. Unlike me, Lilyan is nineteen years old. Well, that was the age she was turned at. She has the same mindset as me, the one who stopped aging at fifteen.

She and her brother were out partying when they were changed. They met a vampire and he saw that Lukas would be devastated if he didnt change Lilyan too. The great king was never a push over. He has a god complex, but we love him anyways. He is an extremely nice person if you havent wronged him in any way. Lukas and the Great King fell in love and were planning on running away together.

Lukas left for a month and May was left to watch Lilyan from the shadows. She was devastated, she wouldnt eat, sleep, or talk. When she was alone she just stared at the walls. She would pretend to be happy and that she was okay. May knew otherwise.

When Lukas caught wind of Lilyans state, he came home right away. Lilyan broke down and cried. Lukas and Sanson knew that if they ever wanted to be together forever, then Lilyan had to become a vampire too.

Like me, Lukas didnt want to be a king, so he is a prince. Lilyan is a queen though. Lilyan is queen alongside May. May is the mate of Kris. Lukas is the mate of Sanson, and Leo is with Jamie. Jamie and Leo are both king and queen.

Lilyan got to choose if she wanted to be immortal or not though. She said the age you get turned at is the age you stay mentally and physically. I dont get that effect because I can alter my age and I become the mental state of that age.

I also dont sense if I have a mate or not. I could see my mate every day and never know it. Papa said that one of us should find our mate first and once that one kisses their mate, the other will be able to sense theirs. Papa says that Leo has to find his mate first. That means that I may never find my mate. I am going to be pissed if my mate turns out to be a vampire that I know though.

I dont think that its fair that they know that I am their mate and if they're keeping it from me, Im probably not going to talk to them for at least a month. I think its a good thing that I dont know who my mate is though. Ive had a crush on Lilyan since I first laid my half dead eyes on her.

I never told her though. Shell find her mate soon enough. Then Ill just be her bestie for all of the melinnea. I sigh and get up off of the bed. I decide I want to talk to Sanson about all of this and get up out of bed.

Where are you going? Lilyan asks me, leaning up from the bed.

Im going to talk to Sanson about something, why? I ask. She probably wont even care. She shakes her head. I give her a puzzled look.

Sanson and Leo require some alone time if you get what I mean. Is it important?

Its kind of important, yeah. Can you ask him to speak with me? I shrug. She shakes her head.

You can talk to me if you want. She says and I immediately start shaking my head. A frown sets on her face.

N-no, I dont want to talk to you about it. She tuts and presses her thumb and her middle finger together. My eyes go wide.

Now, love. What is so important that you must see Sanson this second? She inquires and I am forced to answer.

I-i just wanted to tell him about a crush of mine. I cant tell her! She looks a little hurt. I wonder why?

Who is your crush? I take a deep breath and turn into a baby. An infant is non verbal, so I got out of her trap! She looks at me and I can tell she is very angry.

Change back to fifteen. She says and I am forced to change back into a fifteen year old. She tuts once more and asks the same question again.

Now, who is your crush? She leans forward and sits in a CEO, big boss like stance.

My best friend, I think I fell in love with them, She looks frustrated. She massages her temples. I take her distraction to leave real quick. Running down the halls, I hear footsteps behind me. I use my gift, touch Jamies arm, and let go. I then teleport to the roof. I think I got away. I sit down on the side and stare at the setting sun. When the sun was almost down I felt someone sit down next to me.

What distresses you, my child? Diovald says. I sigh and turn to face him.

I fell in love with Lilyan. But Angela imprinted on me! I placed my head in my hands, What should I do!? One of them imprinted on my twin brother! I thought he was gay! At least he told me he was gay Why would he lie to his own twin?

Delilah, does Angela have a twin? He asks.

I dont recall her ever telling me she had one, why? He tuts and goes to stand up.

Call Angela, ask her if she has a twin. If she does, tell her to introduce Leo to him. I nod and go to stand up. Diovald is extremely smart. So I never saw it necessary to go against his advice. Hes never been wrong. I bow to him, and go back to my room.


Hey lovelies! I hope you enjoyed and I plan on posting again later, Malea and I have spent a lot of time writing on this, but Malea and I have also worked our whole summer so we are sorry that we haven't posted as much as we would like.


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