•Chapter Two•

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"It'll help your stress out...." He sang.
"Oh what the hell," I give in.

He lights it and hands it to me. We don't look like regular vampires, my brother and I are half-breeds. We can react to things just like regular humans can. I can survive the way humans can. Human blood makes me sick. Just like meat makes Leo sick. We eat vegetarian things and omnivores. I stop thinking and try to let the plant do its job.

I walk into second period praying I don't smell like marijuana. The werewolf girl was in this class, she sniffed the air after the teacher sat me beside her. She let a growl slip through her teeth. It sounded like she was distasteful for the smell radiating from my mouth, I shrugged it off like it was someone telling me I had slightly crooked teeth. Something about her felt off, domineering mostly. Before class, I had unleashed whatever mouthwash I carried for Leo because we all knew he had some bad habits but we accepted that after thirty years, he wasn't gonna stop any melenna soon. But he had never been able to drag me into his habits, until now.

I hadn't been paying attention, feeling guilty about letting Leo get to me like that. Drug use always made me kinda edgy and I steered clear from it. The way I was feeling now only made me add another reason to my list. The teacher saying my name brought me out of my thoughts real quick, just in time for me to catch the rest of the question.
"Ms. Nightingale, tell me what you know about the civil war." Oh this class was gonna be an easy A if this was where we started. I smiled innocently and dived in, leaving everyone awestruck.

The wolf girl chased me out of class, I wouldn't let her have my attention after the rude growl she sent towards me earlier in class. She won't let up though, and I have to find Greyson. He would keep her away from me. They were already in the cafeteria with Leo, the worried looks they were exchanging between each other then the angry, deadly, like they were going to rip wolf girl's head off made me know Leo had filled them in. Greyson was the first to me, barley keeping his human fasque up, almost too fast for a humanly run.

"There you are! We were looking all over for you little sister! Leo told us everything. How come you never told us about the new smell problem we are having baby sis? We need to know about any new friends you decide to pick up." He scowled on the word friends. I don't think I have a choice here. He tucked me under his arm, "I suggest you leave my baby sister alone, she seemed in quite a hurry to get away from you dog."

Baby! I'm one hundred and seventeen years old! I rolled my eyes. The eye roll only seemed to make her eyes burn with fire. She didn't seem bothered by his words, it was only the things that I did that bothered her. I ducked out from under Greyson's arm and walked to our table that we ate at every time we lived here.

Greyson seemed to be hashing it out with the wolf girl when two other men appeared behind her, obviously her family. Greyson had came back to the table when I stood up to get my meal. I was the only person to actually eat my meal, I'd forgotten how horrid the school's food here was, I'd eaten my meal in silence and I'm heading to my Home Ec. class. Wolf girl was there, and her two buddies. The other wolf boys sat at the table behind her and the only available seat. I groaned, was Leo in any of my classes? I took my respected place. She sniffed the air.

"Good the smell is gone." She said a bit more relaxed. I am just going to ignore her, my stomach doesn't seem to be liking my meal of choice right now. I had barely eaten any food! Why was my stomach rejecting it?
B.R.A.T. Diet, love. Leo messaged me suddenly. What!? I thought wolf girl messed with his thoughts?

"What's a B.R.A.T. Diet?" She suddenly asked, scaring me.

"Bananas, rice, applesauce, toast. They are soft foods, easy for me to digest." I replied scared out of my wits. Greyson doesn't want you talking to that wolf girl, and I learned to work with whatever she did to you. Who was he to tell me what to do!? Greyson's not my dad, mom, or mommy, he can go suck a toe. I can talk to whoever I want, he's not my boss. My sudden change in my mood made the wolves gasp in surprise. I'd guess they could feel it alter dramatically. I turned to my table partner.

"My name's Delilah." I flashed her my model grin. She smiled back, a hint of victory in her eyes.

"I know princess, Mine's Angela." My phone dinged, I ignored it. After class we walked to our next class, I asked to look at her schedule. Every one of my classes.

"Welp, I guess there was no escaping you anyways, good thing I caved in now." I said and added a slight laugh at the end to not offend her.

"Yep, I always get what I want, one way or another."

"I'll bet. I was wondering-" I was cut off by Greyson, Emma, Leo, and Anna making a sort of barricade to block me from getting past. A low growl from everyone, and two growls from behind. Most likely her two wolf buddies.

"We're leaving." Greyson bluntly announced like I didn't have a say in the matter.

"Hang on just a minute! She still has two more classes to finish, she's not going anywhere!" She growled through her teeth.

"She's my little sister, you just met her and you have some moronic wolfie claim on her? She has the mind capacity of a two year old! Leave her alone!" He shoved her, knocking her into a locker and when she righted herself I saw a dent in it. She waved the wolf boys back and they stood upright, out of their defensive crouches. Greyson readied himself for another punch when I bunded in between them, ready to take the punch. It seemed like there was no time in between the time I had stepped in the way and the time she had me scooped up and we were out of the line of fire. He almost punched me. Shock flickered across everyone of my family's faces.
"Give me my sister." Greyson said pure anger with a little shock laced his voice.
"You almost punched her! She's not as durable as you!" Anger spitting in her voice.
    He ran at vampire speed and I was in his arms. He put me down, gripping onto my hand so tightly he was about to break it. Watching me wince in pain, her eyes burned with a brighter fire than when I had rolled my eyes. Greyson pulled me along like a five year old who couldn't cross the street by themselves, but I wasn't fast enough to keep up with him so I kept tripping over my feet. I turned to look back at Angela, waved and sent her an apologetic smile.

We rode home in silence. Leo sat next to me this time, he switched cars. I was apparently getting hashed out by Greyson. He was driving at top speed to get me home. I wondered what I did wrong. I decided I wasn't gonna listen. He was boring me. Leo reached up towards the front seat and whispered in Greyson's ear. Greyson looked even more mad then he calmed down and said,
"Dad will hear about this." My heart faltered for a second and he put on a devilish grin. I hissed at him, it didn't faze him. When we pulled in the driveway I changed to a two year old, maybe he won't be as mad if I looked like a little kid. Leo unbuckled me and carried me into the house. Before we arrived at the entryway I hid my face in his shoulder. He rubbed circles in my back and lulled me.

"I know you don't think you did anything wrong, that's why we're going to dad, to make sure your new friend didn't hurt you in any way. If dad says it's okay, then I guess you can hang out with her more." He lulled in his singy voice. I looked up at him with a confused look.
What makes her so dangerous? Why can't I be around her?

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