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Houses are how we can organise people to those alike, through houses you meet more people and get to know others.

Here's how we will sort houses:

We will give you all five questions, each with answers A, B, C, D, E or (dependent on the type of question) F.

Then at the end we will tell you which house you are in depending on if you got mostly A's, B's, C's and so on. For those who still don't understand, after you have answered questions count how many of each letter you have, and we will tell you at the end.

Before we begin, I would like to ask of you that you don't answer questions of who you want to be, we want you to answer them honestly so that it describes who you really are.

So, let's get started!

1. Would you rather be:

A) An Anime Character
B) A Superhero
C) A Mythical Creature
D) A Wizard/Witch/preference
E) A normal fangirl/fanboy/preference
F) I am not sure. All of them/None of them

Fill in answers here -------------->

2. How many Fandoms are you in?

A) 9+
B) 10+
C) 15+
D) 17+
E) 4+

Fill in answers here -------------->

3. Which Hogwarts House are you in?

A) Hufflepuff
B) Gryffindor
C) Slytherin
D) Ravenclaw
E) Not a Potterhead
F) Haven't taken the test

Fill in answers here -------------->

4. Why do you want to be in this community?

A) I want to make friends.
B) I want to share my conspiracies and ships and ideas with others
C) I am already sleep deprived and want to challenge myself to see how much more I can take.
D) I love taking part in loads and loads of communities.
E) I read the description and liked the idea of this book
F) Not 100% sure

Fill in answers here -------------->

5. If you could use six ways to describe yourself, what would they be?

A) Bubbly, Caring, friendly, Selfless, will bake you cookies randomly, probably Naruto runs to the lunch area.
B) Will rant repeatedly about their fandoms to you, will come up with stupid ideas and becomes very determined to do them, stubborn, can get obnoxious at times, the one who has to be stopped from pole dancing when drunk at a party, desperate simp.
C) Usually very isolate and sarcastic, doesn't like socialising all that much, spends 80% of their time on tumblr, wattpad or other socials, most likely starts all the fandom wars on tumblr, has a resting bitch face, gets agitated easily.
D) Bookworm, academically smart but has zero common sense, the wildest of imaginations, uses innapropiate jokes/sarcasm/dark humour, will crush your whole ego with five words, knows exactly which buttons to push to annoy someone.
E) All of the above/None of the above, will also sleep with teddies/plushies, indecisive.
F) I don't really analyse myself, I guess I could say I'm funny? But honestly I don't even know how to describe myself.

Fill in answers here -------------->

In total there are six houses, and now that we've got our results, lets find out which one you're in!

Firstly, there is a chance that you put a different letter for every question, if this happened to you, then when you see the list of housing arrangements you are in the house next to 'Mostly F's'. Now that that's sorted, lets find out where you belong!

Mostly A's: Ursi
Mostly B's: Insania
Mostly C's: Ferox
Mostly D's: Acer
Mostly E's: Fabulae
Mostly F's: Sweeb

Which house are you in?
Comment here ----------------->

I myself as the creator am in Sweeb!

I would tell you a bit about your houses, but you probably got all the information from the questions, and if I describe a house to you, it may not match your personality, because everyone's different!

We will have a chapter dedicated to each house, which we will probably spam with memes, and you can comment on them to meet and talk with the other people in your house.

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