☆ News Feed! (1) ☆

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Shoutout to two of our news reporters who made this newspaper, Mohnaa and Minnie!

Hey everyone!
A very warm welcome to every member in our community!!
Before moving on further, I'd like to introduce myself! I'm Mohnaa and I portray Devi Lakshmi, the Hindu Godess of wealth, prosperity, joy and auspeciousness. My house is Ursi and I am one of your news reporters and therapists.

Without further delay, lets give an update about our new members!
Of course we have our creator, Emma, whose character is Kyoka Jiro and she is in the Sweeb house.
Next we have Minnie as Hermione Granger, she is a content creator and fellow news reporter, also from the house of Sweeb!
Now, we have Rudraakshi as our very own arjuna, she is from Insania house and is one of their House Captains, aswell as a fellow therapist of mine.
Last but not least we have Hplo as Queen Elizabeth II, the queen of Britain, and is a part of Acer house!

To end, I would like to say, "lehero se dar kar nauka paar nahi hoti, koshish karne walo ki kabhi haar nahi hoti." Which translates into, "A boat won't reach to the shore if it fears the waves the person who tries never fails."

Thank you
Yours, Mohnaa

Thank you, and lets hear from our other reporter, Minnie.

Hi! This is Minnie and I'm a news reporter in this community. I like the colour purple, I've been on wattpad for around 4 months and I am apart of a few fandoms such as Harry Potter and Miraculous Ladybug (but I will mostly be on Harry Potter books).

The idea of this community to me is really fun because a lot of people get to learn about new fandoms and also meet people who are already in the same fandoms as them. It is a great opportunity for friends and discovery!

Take with you this inspirational quote to end this week's news feed!

"When you get tired, learn to rest, not quit."

See you soon,
                 ~ Minnie

Thank you all for reading this weeks news feed, and special thanks to our current two news reporters who worked hard to put this together.

Have a nice day everyone, and think about how we can fix past mistakes with the fresh start of this new week!

Good bye! ♡♡♡

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