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Hello! Here is the main piece of this community, the forms! None of you can actually join until you fill out a form, so this part is crucial.


Your desired character:
Postion(s) applied for:
Is there anything you want to hand in as an experience?: (If there is, fill this section with 'Yes' and PM it to me or an admin)
How active are you on wattpad?:
Give a one sentence description about yourself: (For example, your height, what you like, your favourite colour, etc)
Tags (5+):

Here is an example of a filled out form.

Name: Emma
User: harry_p0ttah_simp
Character: Kyoka Jiro
House: Sweeb
Position: Creator
Experience: Yes, I will PM you/No
How active are you on wattpad?: Roughly 6/10 but it may vary if I have an in real life event
Password: I won't say as you have to read the rules to make sure you understand.
Description: I'm 5'2, I spend way to much time on this app, and I love nachos!
Tags: harry_p0ttah_simp harry_p0ttah_simp etc.

Please note that some people may require an interview for certain positions, for example the house captains should either submit their paragraph in the 'experience' section or present it in an interview.

Fill out the form here --------->

Drop any queries here --------->

Have a nice day!

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