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Hi there! These are all the available roles for everyone. Please bare in mind that if a role you want is filled or there are no more available roles, then you can still interact with this community just as much as others! We have activities that aren't assigned to actual roles. For example, dropping something in the deposit box.

If you have any questions about your role(s) PM me or an Admin and ask away!

You can choose a maximum of 2 roles.

Creator    1/1
This role is filled by me, the creator of this community! I take part in little bits of everything.

Interviewers!  1/12
Interviewers is as simple as it sounds, they interview people applying for roles. Also, they interview competition winners and other workers to give feedback to the news reporters who will put it on that weeks news feed!

News Reporters!    2/7
New reporters control the news feed! A news feed is published every two weeks, such things that would be expected in the news feed is any new members, any upcoming events, feedback from interviewers, daily thoughts submitted by community members and inspiring quotes! More can be added, but this is just a generic list.

House Captains!   1/12
Ursi (Open)
Insania (Open)
Ferox (Open)

Acer (Open)
Fabulae (Open)
Sweeb (Open)

Each house can have two house captains, they are general representatives of their house, and you have all seen a class rep before, and they are very similar. If any member in that house causes mishap, the house captains will sort it. They keep everything in their house working and in order, and they make sure everyone is happy. If you apply for this, write a small paragraph as your speech of why you think you should be a representative and PM it to me after you fill out your form.

Promoters   1/15
The promoters role is very simple, promote our book and its activities, competitions and general activities that occur. Make sure you let as many people know that they can come on over and join the fun!

Guard Dogs   1/20
In this community, we need order
(Nobody likes the government and police, but we love dogs). Thus, guard dogs lurk the comments to make sure there have been no violations, and when a competition entry has been submitted, they check there has been no plagiarism.

Writers   0/20
Writers will submit fun poems, pieces and general writings to spread positivity and give inspiration. They should produce a wonderful little piece of writing for this community at least once every two months.

Managers   0/8
When competition time comes around, they collect all the information from judges. They take in winners, losers, runner-ups and make sure the according get their prizes. They should also submit the winners and runners-up aswell as their entries to me, so that I can announce the winners! Let other members of the community know what prizes they should make for which winners.

Simp Breakers   2/10
A simp breakers task is to break the simps. At least once a week, submit things that send the simps into a frenzy. They can be fanarts, pinterest icons, edits, anything. Please note that you should credit whoever made them, or if you made it yourself then let us know and we will credit you.

Hosts!   1/5
Hosts are the people who host all of our competitions, they work with the Content Creators to create quizes and competitions. They are the people who accept forms and hand work to judges.

Content Creators!   1/10
A content creator's job is to come up with ideas for this community, this includes: awards, competitions, ideas for the community, anything that pops up in their imagination. Any ideas they have should be submitted to an admin or the creator who can put it into action.

Therapists!   2/10
Therapists are very important, they spread positivity and have really good advice. They should always be open to expect PMs from people in the community who want someone to talk to and to recieve advice.

Secretaries!    0/8
The secretaries help assign tasks to other members, ensure that things are submitted by a due date with friendly little reminders, they should be calm and should report to an admin or the creator if there are any concerns.

Editors!   0/15
The job of an Editor is to check that grammar is correct, a variety of vocabulary is used, and which words would sound better in a sentence. A writer, for example, may send a request to a secretary, who would assign an editor to edit a piece. It is important that requests are sent so that random people don't just ask for people to edit their work. They also work in our Editing shop.

Admins!    2/5
Admins are like the mini creators, a queens advisors. They have almost as much control as the creator does, and helps the creator with decisions and other important matters for this community.

Graphic Designers!     0/15
A graphic designer's job is to design a graphic requested by a competition/award winner, or essentially anyone who has been given a password to recieve a graphic. Also, they should contribute to make graphics for this community. They also work in our graphic shop (We will get onto passwords at the end of this chapter).

Theme Designers!    0/15
Theme designers should design themes for those who have been given a valid password and are entitled to one, and can make themes for this community when asked by the creator. They also work in our theme shop.

Bio Designers!    0/15
The bio designers should design bios for people with a password and are entitled to one. They also work in our theme shop.

Reviewers!   1/8
When writers submit things in the deposit box, it is there job to review it and give advice to that writer. They also work in our Review Shop.

Password PostPeople  1/5
Password postpeople hand out passwords. Basically, when someone wins a competition and gets a prize of a theme/graphic/bio the postpeople should give a password to them, and a matching password to the specified designer. You can also get entitled to a password through some of the other activities in this community. Passwords are important because we don't want a random stranger to ask for a graphic, for example, and when really they are not entitled to it and have not bought it from our shop. With a password, we can verify that a person is entitled to a prize, a password postmen will be tagged anytime there is the requirement for a password to be handed to a winner and the designer.

Shop Keepers!   1/5
Review (Open)
Edit (Open)
Bio (Open)
Graphic (Open)
Theme (Open)
A shop keeper should control their assigned shop and make sure it runs smoothly, all orders are recieved, and there has been no scandals.

That is all of our roles! There's a lot, if you count all the slots for roles, it adds up to 220 people who can apply for a role and everyone would get it. Uh... eh heh. Anyways, let's move onto the forms!

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