Chapter Ten: Null and Void

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"Woah." The Ursa base, while small, was made almost entirely of blackstone and stone variants, making it look like a bastion had spawned in the Overworld. A quick peek into their portal showed me that their Nether spawn was a Crimson Forest. I hadn't seen one when I was out looking for the fortress, but then again, I'd only traveled in a single direction. 

Stepping carefully around, and sometimes hopping over the patches of pure blank space, I poked around the base, looking at the designs, farms, and different rooms. Their assembly room is much smaller, but they have a lot of items, more than I'd have expected. 

I ran a hand over the chiseled blackstone, a piglin snout carved into it. The floor was cold and smooth, despite the abundance of Nether blocks. 

"Hey, Lily! There's a lectern with your name on it!" Someone called. I turned to see Ranboo and Dream waving me over. "Coming!" I called as I picked my way across the floor. Drips of lava sizzles through the floor, and I looked up to see... what were those? I reached up and touched it, feeling hard rock. 

Taking my pickaxe out, I picked it off the ceiling. "Dripstone," Minecraft itself told me. I was so caught up with the strange gray-purple rock that I forgot to watch my step. Only a few meters away from the lectern, I slipped. 

And fell into the void. 


It felt like hours stuck in there, but it must've only been a few moments. Endless darkness surrounded me, choking the air out of my lungs. A small eternity had passed before I noticed anything. I wasn't falling. 

A full patch of darkness was in front of me, even darker than the void around me. I tried to speak, but couldn't. All I could do was stare intently at that player-shaped patch of pitch-black. 

Wait, player shaped? 

I didn't get a closer look as I was hauled out of the void by a pair of arms. I returned to light, gasping for air as the dripping ceiling came into view. 

"What happened? Lily? Are you alright?" That was Dream. After a few moments, I felt well enough to sit up and give him a weak smile. "Give me a moment, I just fell into the void, you know." I paused. "My health didn't go down, like at all. It just felt like I was suffocating." 

Everyone within earshot looked surprised. "You were in there for a good ten seconds," Ranboo said concernedly. Well, at least it wasn't actually hours like it had felt for me. I shook my head. "Nothing happened. Well, one thing. I couldn't talk," I began. 

"I saw a weird patch of darkness - don't get me wrong, it was all dark in there, but it looked even darker somehow. Like the void was blue compared to it. And it looked like a player skin, all square and blocky, not even like how we look human. There weren't eyes or anything, just smooth pitch black," I finished. 

"That sounds like Null," someone finally spoke up. 




also no one realized one crucial thing from chapter four. how. it's been half a year, I'm pretty sure

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