Chapter Four: Fractured

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(My POV, yet again)

I woke up with a pounding headache. 

My vision was blurred too, but I supposed that was the aftereffects of a potion someone had thrown in for a prank last night. 

As I sat up, I saw the particles swirling at the edge of my vision. Yep, definitely a potion. 

I went on with my newly acquired routine, namely, putting on my armor, checking my tools and health, and eating some bread. I went to the quarry, and went through an entire iron pickaxe. 

After a few hours, my headache was still present. Someone had announced they had enough obsidian for a nether portal, which made me worried... I didn't want anyone going off in there alone. There was strength in numbers. 

I sighed. Being the non-official leader of this group of a few hundred, well, it was hard. I barely knew what to do each day. I wasn't a good leader, I got easily scared... it wasn't the ideal situation. 

Usually, I'd be building, or playing on a normal survival world. This was a change, but not the one I was expecting, and anyways I wasn't the best survival player to begin with. 

The next few days continued the same way, with my headache subsiding a bit at night, then returning, even worse, the next morning. I wondered how much time had passed out in the real world by now. It'd been a little over a month here, but if this time worked like Minecraft time, then it'd only have been a few hours. Right? 

Honestly, I had no idea. A few players would arrive now and then, but as far as I knew, no one new had joined the game. There were no messages in chat, and very few deaths, which was good. 

When we had a "lunch break," I sat down on a bench [Yes, those exist I guess. My brain's just rambling out ideas at this point, so much that I've run out of ideas. Hope you all understand why I haven't been updating a lot... my brain's drained itself] and put my head in my hands. 

My headache had been even worse today, and it showed no sign of going away. Techno came up to me and asked if I was okay, to which I replied, "Just a headache. And stress." He nodded, and went off, who knows where. 

(Dream POV, because I can)

Later that day, we called an assembly. We, meaning the unofficial but silently agreed on council, consisting of me, Techno, Lily and a few others. The announcement was official, though. We were going into the nether in a few days. The portal had been constructed in its own room off the main complex. We made use of an old quarry room to house it. 

Suddenly, Lily almost collapsed. Luckily, Mega was standing behind her and caught her falling. Her eyes were glazed over, focused on some faraway point. Then, she began to speak in a ghostly voice. 

To save us all, they will learn, 

 The way to end, the way to go. 

 The land all covered in the blood of many, 

 Suffering still but having hope; 

 To save us all, they'll have to go, 

 A sacrifice, born of pure of heart, 

 To stop the fate that could befall us all, 

 To stop the worst from coming and ending. 

 As you start and start to grow, 

 More will seek your end and doom 

As you fend off the monsters of your creation, 

What will it take to save us all?

In another few moments, almost the exact time it'd taken for her to speak those terrifying words, she was back to normal. She shook her head, eyes widening, and asked, "What did I say?" We collectively repeated it, and she looked shocked. 

It was most definitely confusing, like, what'd the line, "More will seek your end and doom" mean? Would it mean that we'd die? 

I sure hoped not. 

And what was this about a sacrifice? Nothing good, I was sure. 

My thoughts were interrupted by Lily saying briskly, "Assembly over. Everyone, back to your tasks. Except... you know. You guys, stay with us." 

By "you know," I assumed she meant Council and the more technical players, the ones who'd worked out complicated formulas for finding the best and closest nether fortress for when we got into the nether. 

The first thing she said was, "It's a prophecy. It has to be." We agreed, and discussed late into the afternoon, almost till night. I told them I'd seen a few people sometimes sneaking away at night, or out during the day on the pretense of gathering resources or finding other people. "Why didn't you tell us?" Fruit demanded. I shrugged. "I thought they might've gotten lost, or are still trying to find people. For all we know, they might still be. People have come back, but it's not impossible." 

"Sadly," added Techno. While this was all going on, me and Techno had stopped fighting. We weren't recording anything, and we were already good friends. Lily was shaking her head. "Let's discuss this another time. I'm going to combat to clear my head."

Saying that, she got up and left. Everyone else got up as well, and I followed her and Techno to combat. Sapnap, George, Bad and Ant had been spending a lot of time there as well, after being shown up by Lily. 

But when we got there, we found her sitting on the floor. 

Looking up at us with her pale silver-blue eyes, she uttered a sentence that sent chills down my spine and silenced the whole room. 

"Someone has to die."

(WC: 955 words)

Flip, I gave you a cliffhanger. 

Honestly though, I've had that prophecy scene prepared for so long now, and I've been flipping waiting and waiting and waiting– and prepare for some filler chapters. 

Also, check out @goatgoatWasFound's book, Free the Game, Beat the End. It's amazing, but it's DreamNotFound. If you guys don't like that, well maybe don't read it. Whatever though. Just... I got the idea from them first, so– Flip I'm just rambling now. 

Go check out XyeLysian as well, show her some support. She's also amazing. I should really stop rambling, but so many people on Wattpad are amazing. Oh, for goodness' sake, I'm rambling again, so without further ado, I'm gonna leave off right here. See you next upload! 


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