42) My Dream Girl

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Steven is gone for several hours before Torin wakes up again. While he sleeps, I get a medical book my mom kept in her bedroom. She always referenced it when I was little and sick. I guess she knew even then that the internet might go down for good one day, and doctors might be hard to find. I start turning pages and after looking back and forth from the illustrations to Torin, the good news is that the bullet missed all his vital organs. With some rest and care, I feel sure he will recover. He looks a lot better. His fever is gone, and when he finally wakes, he immediately asks for water.

"You're probably dehydrated," I say. "We need to get some fluids in you. Do you feel like eating something? You need to take some medicine too."

He nods. "I need to go to the bathroom, can you help me up?"

Torin and I shuffle to the bathroom. When he gets to the door, he says, "After I eat, I would like to take a shower. I never did get that shower yesterday." And then he adds, "If you would like to sell tickets my lady, I am sure you can make some money, unless you would like to view me all alone."

I smile at him. Prince Torin is back.

After another large water and some soup and pain medicine, I believe Torin is up for my questions. I have many.

"What happened yesterday?"

"I went to take a shower, but Carli was already in there. I could hear her with someone. There was laughter. I was surprised. I couldn't even imagine who she was with. I left, of course, and  gave them their privacy."

"I'm sorry," I say because I know he was hurt by this. It is hard to see someone you like with someone else and, believe me, I know.

"Well, it was quite embarrassing, but I do not believe they saw me. I did however, see you and Steven spying again. Is this something you do, my lady, spy in the showers?"

It is my turn to be embarrassed. I blush. "No, of course not."

"Well, you did get out of there in a hurry. I left myself but came back later to take that shower I never got."

"I was only there following Carli. I thought you might be in danger."


"Yes, danger."

"Ahh, my lady was jealous?"

"No, suspicious. I thought. Think maybe that Carli might be one of them. One of the bad guys."

"Good. I am glad you figured it out. I was concerned as well, after what Clay told me."

"What are you talking about?"

"At the library before the shooting, Clay saw Carli and some men drive up in a red jeep."

"How do you know it was Carli?"

"Clay is ex-military. He described her perfectly, lovely face, what she was wearing. She is a beautiful woman. Green eyes. Dark hair. She has quite distinctive features. Stunning."

I am annoyed by his description of my beautiful cousin. "So, you thought my cousin might be a member of One Nation, and you didn't tell me?"

I don't know if I am mad or hurt.

"You had already told me of your affection for her. I was still not certain of my suspicions."

"So you invited her into our camp, knowing she might be one of the bad guys?"

"I wanted Clay to identify her before I made a decision to let you know. But of course, Clay and Sorenson have not returned."

"You were trying to protect me?"

"Yes, and you know the saying made famous by your Godfather movie - Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. That is what I was doing. Keeping Carli close where I could keep an eye on her."

"Yes, you were keeping quite the eye on her."

"So you are jealous, my Eliot?"


"I believe you are, but you have no worries. Carli is not my type at all."

"Oh, so you were flirting and following her around like a puppy because you were trying to get information?"

"Yes, exactly. I am quite good at flirting and getting information."

"Yeah, you are. You never felt anything at all? Because you were doing a great job at pretending to be under her spell."

"She is not my type. She is beautiful. Delicate. Feminine. Great body. Smells divine. And those eyes. Like emeralds in the crown jewels. I was faking my interest. I am quite the actor. I had a drama class once. At university."

"Not your type?"

"No, I am more attracted to someone like yourself. You are the opposite of your cousin. I am afraid there is no resemblance at all."

"Uh, thanks?" I say because I am sure I have just been insulted. "What is your type?"

"You know, like you. I like the burpy girls." He smiles his most twinkly-eyed smile at me. The one that shows both dimples.

I am annoyed now for sure, and my feelings are hurt. I guess I don't hide it well because he quits smiling.

"I like the burpy girls. The girl who does not hide behind her eye makeup. The one who says - here I am, like me or not. I will not change for you because I do not need to. What you see is what you are going to get."

That sounds a little better, but I still kind of feel like a hot mess and second best. "Sounds like your dream girl could be a good buddy. A good side-kick."

"She is. She always has my back. Loyalty - something I prize above all else."

"Sounds like a dream girl, for sure," I say, "Or a good soldier."

"Oh, she is a good soldier all right. She can shoot, she can run, she can hide. She can parry, feint, guard. She can do it all except she will not follow orders, which I love about her too. She makes up her own mind."

"Her own person."

"Yes, exactly. My dream girl has only one fault."

"What is that?"

"Well two actually, no three."


"Yes, three."

"Well, what are they? These three faults?"

"She burps more loudly than I could ever hope to surpass."

"Oh, yes that is a fault for sure, because we know you like to win."

"I do indeed."

"What are the other two?" I notice he has leaned back on the couch and looks very sleepy. The pain medicine is kicking in.

"She is into male porn. That is the only explanation for her peep tommery. Though, I actually do not mind if she enjoys seeing me naked. I know it is perverse on my part. But I do not mind."

"Tom peepery?"

"Peep tommery." He lays his head down and is almost asleep and adds, "The last thing, and this is the most annoying attribute of my dream girl, she is beautiful. So beautiful. But she does not know it."

I say nothing back because what do you say to that?

He wakes back up for a brief second and adds. "My dream girl does not need to worry her beautiful self because her prince has learned something. Carli is not the enemy."

How, how does he know this? "How do you know?" I whisper in his ear.

"Because she is with Jack. Jack is alive."

Torin is fast asleep. So asleep, he is snoring. I kiss my prince on the forehead.

Sleep tight, sweet prince.

Eliot Strange and the Prince of the ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now