Part 12

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Unsurprisingly, save for a few covet glances between the two, there weren't any more significant encounters between the two for quite a while. Lessons passed, days flew by and the two began to settle into school. She spent her time mostly in the library, absorbing information like a human sponge while he spent his time playing pranks on others and idling about.

Pretty soon, it was Halloween and the first years were busy getting all excited about the feast. Apparently, the decorations were going to be realistic and extremely elaborate. For her, it was one of the first few times that she was going to see such extensive magic at work. She was really excited. But first, she had to get through charms class.

Professor Flitwick announced that the class was going to work in pairs and unluckily she was paired with the red-haired boy. They already were not on good terms due to the broomstick incident where she tried to tell them off about Harry's broomstick. A few minutes into the lesson, she was getting increasingly annoyed with the red-haired boy. He was waving his long arms about like a windmill instead of "swishing and flicking" and disrupting her papers. He was also pronouncing the spell wrongly.

"You're saying it wrong," She snapped. "It's Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa, make the 'gar' nice and long." 

"You do it, then, if you're so clever," the red-haired boy snarled back. 

Rolling up the sleeves of her gown, she flicked her wand, and said, "Wingardium Leviosa!" Her feather rose off the desk and hovered about four feet above their heads.

Smiling proudly at her achievement, she turned to the red-haired boy only to see him glowering back at her. Needless to say, for the rest of the lesson, he was in a foul mood.

Soon, the bell rang, and she packed up her bag and left the classroom behind the red-haired boy and his friend, Harry Potter.  "It's no wonder no one can stand her, she's a nightmare, honestly. " She overheard the red-haired boy say to Harry Potter.

A wave of anger ran through her. That's not true! She thought furiously. The grey-eyed boy could stand her, he even talked and laughed with her. But... What if what the red-haired boy said was true. After all, boys usually think in the same way. Anger gave way to hurt and her eyes filled with tears. Pushing her way past everyone, she dashed to the bathroom.

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