Part 15

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"I wonder how did the troll get in," Pansy sniggered. "Probably that good-for-nothing half-giant accidentally letting his 'pet' get loose."

"Uh." Goyle and Crabbe grunted in unison.

Draco internally rolled his eyes. Standing up from the green plush armchair that he was sitting on, he stalked to the door.

"Where ya going?" Blaise drawled from the corner of your room.

"Out. I need some air from these idiots." Draco glanced back at the trio he abandoned, not missing the hurt look that Pansy shot his way. Oh wells, he would have to deal with that later or he would get a letter from his father discussing about his mannerism with the ladies.

Opening the dorm door, he gave a furtive glance to the left and right. Now where did they say his brown eyed beauty was again? Creeping down to the girls bathroom, he stopped short at the sight of Potter and the red head huddled together in fear at the troll, with a cowering Hermione behind them. 

Gosh. The troll was huger that he imagined, and he gagged as the troll bellowed, letting out a stench that would make him lose his appetite for weeks. 

"Run!" Potter screamed, trying to drag Weasley and the very frozen Hermione along with him but to no avail. "Do something!" He yelled desperately, to the unmoving duo. The troll swiped at them, barely missing them by a hair's breadth. 

Just then, Potter, in an act of foolish bravery, threw the toilet seat at the troll, hitting it on the face. The troll, in a mixture of anger and confusion, bent down to squint at the shivering trio. Potter, taking this opportunity, jumped onto the troll, yanked it by its nose and started to ride it like a rodeo. Enraged, the troll dropped its club and started to grab its face to rid itself of the pesky human that was clambering his face like a rock wall. 

Draco cursed under his breath, racking his brains to find a way to save them. Spotting the club on the ground, an idea popped into his head. "Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa" he whispered, pointing at the club. The club started to rise slowly. "Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa" He repeated more urgently and the club shot up into the air above the trolls head.

However, at the same moment, there was quite similar, but in actual fact, very different bellow of ""Wing-gar-dium Levio-SA" from the red head. 

The club landed on the trolls head with a loud thud. There was a second where troll started swaying and the world stood still and the next moment, the troll collapse with an earth shaking boom. 

Silence then ensued. 

Draco heaved a sigh of relief, wiping his brow, but quickly melted into the shadows as soon as he heard voices and footsteps approaching. 

Authors Note:
Wow its been a 2 year hiatus??? I don't know how many of you are still reading this but if you are, HOLAAAAA welcome back!! please bug me if I don't update this often, trying to get back into writing after a writers block but yes a thousand thank yous if you are still reading this!! There will be a shoutout in the next chapter so stay tuneddddd.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2017 ⏰

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