Chapter 8

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THUMP. Falling on his back, he gazed back at the brown-eyed beauty standing over him. "So, tell me. Who is the weaker one now?" She spat at him. Seething with anger, he snapped at her. "You just got lucky. I was distracted."

"Distracted? Wow, Malfoy and his wonderful excuses." Her voice grew more distant as she turned around, walking towards the door. Her mocking tone stung his ego. Swiftly rising to his feet, he slammed the door shut just as her was opening it. As she turned around, he placed two hands at the sides of her, trapping her with his body as he towered over her small frame. 

"I do think that was a wonderful excuse, my dear." His satirical tone evident in his voice. He leaned in and whispered into her ear. "I indeed think you are a distraction, a beautiful distraction." Having said that, nipping her ear, he left the room, leaving her stunned and speechless.


Darn Potter and that stupid red-head Weasel. Why did they keep talking bad about her and making her upset? Didn't they know that they were hurting her feelings? Didn't they know that she was just looking out for them? Some days, he just wanted to go up to her and tell her that he understood how lonely she felt. How he felt the same way. How he had to put up a facade to be with friends that he never liked and to be all chummy with them.

RING... Her sobs paused as she looked up, realising that she was going to be late for lesson. He started too, darting over the corner and straight to lesson before she realised that he was spying on her.

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