Chapter 11

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For someone who looked so cold, he was actually quite thoughtful and sensitive. She mused. For someone who wanted to be the very best and the perfect student through her entire school life, she was very grateful towards the grey-eyed boy for helping her avoid detention. Even though he is in Slytherin, he is stil nicer than the other mean boys in my house. I mean, if those boys didn't tease me and made me upset, I would definitely have been early to class. Maybe she should give Slytherins a chance. 

Sighing tiredly, she trudged to the common room to dump her things before going down to the main hall for dinner.


She spent the entire dinner looking out for that head of blonde hair at the Slytherin table while planning out her route to catch him before he left the hall to thank him. Scarfing down her dinner, she spotted the grey-eyed boy stand up and walk to the doors of the main hall, ready to leave. Abandoning her plate, she raced to the door, slipping through it as the doors closed. Panting, she glanced around to see the grey-eyed boy with his group of friends, none of which looked especially friendly. Gulping, her resolve faltered as the group turned around to look at her. Blinking wildly, she turned about to look for an escape route.

"Go." She heard a voice say and upon turning around, she saw the grey-eyed boy standing there while his other friends walked away. She swallowed and turned to fully face him as he approached her slowly, his grey eyes locked on her brown ones. Biting her lips, she suddenly blurted out in a stream of verbal diarrhoea, "I don't know why you did what you did but I'm really grateful for it and I'll like to thank you. Its really nice of you and no one has ever done anything so nice for me before."

Her little speech was interrupted by a chuckle, followed by full-blown laughter. She watched, astonished as the cold facade of the grey-eyed boy crumbled to pieces in front of her as the boy clutched his sides, roaring with laughter. Soon, she couldn't help but join in with the laughter of the boy and their merry laughter echoed in the hallways.

Wiping his eyes, the grey-eyed boy smiled at her and replied, "its no problem, I would do it anytime to hear your cute and embarrassed rambling. Its really nice to meet you but I need to get going, I have a meeting in my common room now. See you around, lets talk soon." Touching her cheek gently in a gesture of farewell, he turned and walked down the corridor. 

Her hand over her cheek at the spot where his hand had touched her, she watched him walk away forlornly. Just as he rounded the corner, she heard his voice.

"Bye Hermione."

Where brown meets grey. (Dramione)Where stories live. Discover now