Chapter 2

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The days leading up to school, his mind was constantly on her, wondering who she was. He even went to the extent of searching through his family lines to see if she was a distant cousin or relative. But his search was fruitless. Thus, he just spent his days guessing her name. It should be a girly name, something pretty, he thought. It would suit her.

All too soon, it was time to pack up and leave for Hogwarts. His stomach jumped in anticipation and fear. Coddled by his parents since a young age, he wondered how life would be like without them. But yet, he had been looking forward to this day. He would finally get to see his mystery girl! Maybe they would be even sorted into Slytherin together!

"Draco, are you ready?" His mother called from the outside of his room.

"Yes, mother." He called back, grabbing his trunk.

"We're gonna apparate there. Hang on tightly to your father and your things." He nodded, clutching tightly to the handle of his trunk and his father's forearm. His father flinched, and without a word, turned and offered him his other arm. Draco frowned, but accepted his father's other arm without question.

A sucking, squeezing sensation pulled at his already jumpy stomach, and the world swirled into a kaleidoscope of colours. He was on his way.

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