The Beginning of Villain Aizawa

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Authors Note: The first few parts are kinda short but I shall be adding more into future parts to get more detail into the story.
Now onto the story


   It was almost time for their plan to be put into motion. The plan that they had been planning for two years. No one except The League knew what was about to happen, and it would be a while before their plan would be over and done with.

   The first thing they needed for their plan was Eraserhead. The main reason was because they need someone with a quirk like his.
   "Hey Dabi, you ready to go." ,asked Toga.
   "Yeah, let's go." ,Dabi replied.

   They both had to bring a weapon each since the person they were going after was Eraserhead. Even though she already had a few weapons on her, Toga decided to bring more just in case and because she likes knives so much. When they left it was dark outside, but by the time they got to U.A. it was almost dusk. They had figured out a way in near the side of the school, close to the dorms. Even though getting in was easy, they knew getting the person they needed was going to be difficult. They knew going after Aizawa wasn't smart, because he probably wouldn't go easily. The person they needed was Eri.

   Before they had left, Shigiraki approached them with a device they had acquired a few months ago. He had told them that they should use it to get into the dorms. The device could easily cut through most walls without making much noise so the teachers wouldn't hear them. Dabi and Toga had managed to sneak around to the teachers' dorms just as it became dusk. Dabi pulled the device out of a bag and used it on the back wall near the side wall. The device easily cut through the wall and didn't make much noise just as Shigiraki had said. The hole ended up cutting a hole in a hallway near the stairs. Dabi told Toga to stay outside, so there was less of a chance that they would be caught. He managed to find Eri's room, but it was right next to Aizawa's and Mic's room. When he opened the door to go inside he heard something from one of the rooms. Dabi quickly went into Eri's room, gave her something to keep her asleep, and carried her downstairs back out of the building. Part one of their plan to capture Eraserhead was complete.

    Dabi and Toga didn't waste a second and quickly went to the front of U.A. right next to the front gate. By the time they reached the gate the sun had already risen a little bit and Eri was waking up. They only had to wait a few minutes before all of the teachers showed up, and of course some of the students.

     Teachers POV:
   Aizawa had woken up when he heard a noise outside his room. Since it was only a few minutes till he had to wake up and he thought it was another teacher, he took a couple minutes to get ready. He pulled on his jumpsuit, put on his boots, and went to his door where his goggles and scarf were hanging. He grabbed them and went into the hallway. It seemed a bit too quiet. Then he noticed Eri's door was open. He quickly ran into her room to check on her, but she was gone. Aizawa stood there frozen, panicking. Mic had heard him enter Eri's room, so he went to go see him.

   "What's up Sho?" ,asked Mic.
   Aizawa didn't answer.
   "Sho?", Mic asked kinda worried.
   Mic saw a panicked look on Aizawa's face. Then he looked past him. He too saw what he saw. Eri was indeed gone.

   "Shota what happened? Where is Eri?"
   "I don't know....." , he said slowly. There was a long pause before Aizawa said, "Mic..... we have to find her."

   Mic and Aizawa left her room and gathered the other teachers. Before they all left to search for Eri, there was a message sent to all the students to stay in their dorms. Class 1A being class 1A of course didn't stay in their dorms. The teachers left their dorms and searched all areas of the school then they would meet at the front of the school. Without them knowing, class 1A was not far behind. Of course they found her with Dabi and Toga at the front gate. Aizawa instantly used his quirk on them. He used his scarf to land 20 feet from them. He would've just grabbed them but Dabi had a knife to Eri's throat.

"Hello Eraserhead, what brings you here?" ,asked Dabi.
   "I think you know what." , Aizawa said with an angry look on his face.
   "Yes, I believe I do. Is it because of this?" ,He said as he looked at Eri then back at Aizawa, waiting for a response, but he kept quiet. "Let's make a deal, shall we? How about I give you Eri, but in return you give us......... Eraserhead."

Everyone was silent for a second, but then all the teachers started saying that they wouldn't give them Aizawa. When the few students that were there heard they wanted their teacher, they ran out from their hiding spot. They started to say that they didn't want him to get taken. The students tried to intervene but were stopped by the teachers. Then the arguing and discussing went on.

After a while, without warning, Aizawa said, "I'll go"
   Everyone was half shocked, half not surprised at what he said.
   "Mic, keep the kids safe and you students keep each other safe." ,he said as he started to walk towards Dabi and Toga.

LSome students tried to stop him, and even some teachers, but he told them that it was his decision. When he started to walk towards them, Dabi let Eri down. She didn't run to the teachers, but to Aizawa.
   She hugged him then said, "Please don't go."
   He hugged her back and said, "I have to, and I'd rather you be safe."
   Mic came to get Eri, and Aizawa went with the villains.

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