Aizawa's First Appearance

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The person was barely recognizable. He had a scar over his right eye, which was blind, a small scar on the left side of his chin, he looked very dirty and tired, and the last change was his clothes. He wore a black shirt, a black coat with a big hood, loose black pants along with a duty belt, black boots, and lastly his scarf. This man was indeed Aizawa. Mic stood stunned at how different he looked, and he noticed that he wasn't wearing his goggles.

Before he had time to react, Aizawa grabbed his scarf, then the entire area inside of the half circle of police cars was encircled by a dome made from his scarf. It was only him and Present Mic in the dome, since Mic was the only hero on the scene. Mic tried to walk toward him, but as soon as he took a step, a part of Aizawa's scarf came out of the dome and trapped Mic where he stood.

"Shota..." Mic tried to speak, but as soon as he did Aizawa tightened his scarf. He held Mic in place for a minute, then started talking in a small microphone connected to an earpiece. After a quick conversation with someone, he let Mic go, then got rid of the dome, all of his scarf going back around his neck. Mic tried talking to Aizawa again but before he could Aizawa was already using his scarf to put himself on a nearby rooftop to disappear.

Present Mic was to busy looking at where Aizawa had disappeared to, to notice what Aizawa had left behind. A cop came up behind Mic and tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. Mic turned to see the cop holding out a pair of yellow goggles. He took them and looked at them for a minute before heading off the scene.

The Next Day....

Midnight had noticed Mic was a bit distracted after his last patrol. After school she met up with him in the teacher's dorms. She found him laying face down on a couch. Midnight went up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. She heard a little "hm?" from Mic. She crouched next to him.

"Hey Hizashi, I noticed you were a bit distracted today. You wanna talk about what's been bothering you?" Midnight asked him.

Mic pulled something out of him jacket. He held out his hand to her, to giver her something. She held out her hands to take the object. Mic dropped Aizawa's goggles into her hands. She sat on her knees in shock of what was in her hands.

"You saw him? How different was he? Where did you see him?" Midnight started asking a ton of questions but then she cut herself off, "Sorry, I'm asking to many questions."

"It's okay Midnight," Mic said slowly, "He was nothing like the man we knew before he got taken. He wouldn't even talk to me. Well I guess it was because he was to busy robbing a bank."

"He was robbing a bank? I wonder why they are having him do such small things," Midnight said.

She the lay down on the floor next to the couch, thinking. A few minutes later a couple of the other teachers walked into the dorms. They all saw Midnight and Mic laying down and thought something was wrong. Midnight explained what had happened to them cause Mic didn't feel like talking. She also told them not to say anything to the students yet, because she didn't want a bunch of rumors and panic going around.

Meanwhile- LOV POV

"Did you get what we needed?" asked Shigaraki.

"Yeah, I got it," said Aizawa, while putting a bag on a table.

He opened the bag. It had money in it, but also a small box which he took from the bag. He then threw the bag on the ground. He opened the small box, it had a small piece of paper in it with a code of some sort written on it.

"Smart using the money as a cover, but might as well use the money since we got it," Shigaraki stated, "Now then, the tricky part is next but I think you got this Aizawa. Since you got turned into a villain they had to change the code to the Hero Network. But I know where to find the new code, nowhere too popular, just the Heroes of Japan Tower ( a skyscraper where heros from all over Japan meet up for something or to get info on a certain villain or villain group) also take the code you found in the bank, it goes to a big safe on the top floor, you can't miss it."

"Really? Okay then, shouldn't be too hard," said Aizawa.

"So what's your plan?" asked Shigaraki.

"Imma just walk in the front door, I'm gonna use me being a hero before to my advantage," said Aizawa.

Shigaraki looked surprised but let him go with his plan, "I'm assuming you have a plan B too."

Aizawa said, "Of course I have a plan B, only and idiot wouldn't. Also I'm going at noon."

"At noon? Are you crazy? Your fault if you get caught," Dabi chimes in.

"Yes at noon," he rolled his eyes at Dabi, "Also I want to go in alone, but I wouldn't mind having a lookout, so who do you want me to take, besides Dabi," Aizawa said giving Dabi an annoyed look.

Shigaraki said, "Take Twice with you so you can have more than one lookout, also maybe take Toga. She keeps him calm."

Aizawa agreed. Then he went to get ready and wait for noon the next day. Toga and Twice did the same.

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