The Beginning Of the End

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Author's Note: Been so long since an update because I got really bad writers block but I have pushed through it and have motivation to keep writing
I am also going to try and make longer parts to get more detail and story in to the story


Mic opened the door to Eri's room to check in on her. She was holding her old Eraserhead doll.

She said with hope in her voice, "I know you'll find a way out. You always make it back. No one can beat you, you're the best hero so you have to make it home."

Mic sat down next to Eri and said, "He'll find his way home, and you keeping hope is helping him more than. you could ever know."

That small statement put a happy and hopeful look on her face. "When do you think he'll be back?" she asked him.

He replied, "I don't know for sure, but I'm sure it's soon." He then picked up one of her villain dolls and started to play with her to cheer her up.

It was a while before someone walked in to the room. Mirio asked Mic, "There's someone here that would like to speak with you."

Mic got up and asked Mirio to continue playing with Eri while he stepped out. He shut the door behind him and found the detective standing in the hallway.

"We need your help with Aizawa again." the detective said.

Mic replied, "You saw what happened last time he saw me. I make no difference."

"Well, you've known him for years, so maybe you can help us figure out what their planning." He replied to Mic.

Hizashi said, "I can try. Though if you do need me on a mission that involves him I'll stay back a bit so he won't see me."

"That's okay. I would just like to stop them and maybe get your friend back." the detective replied.


Meanwhile at The LOV's hideout...

All the members are huddled around a long table that has plans, a map of Japan, and other info played out on it.

Shigaraki was standing at the end of the table. He hit his hand on the table twice to get everyone's attention. "Now, to start this off, we need to start striking down the heroes. We have many things we need to do and things to get so lets get to work."

He pointed to certain areas of the map and explained, "We are going to have five teams doing several small missions one after another. That way some heroes may not be able to keep up."

He explained each of the four teams assignments, going over every detail not wanting to miss anything. Once he finished with that, he turned to Aizawa. "You have the important job of gathering supplies for one of our new associates."

Aizawa raised an eyebrow at him, "And who's that?"

"Just some doctor I found, don't worry about it," he replied to him.

He dismissed them for the night and told them to head out at dawn for their tasks.

Aizawa went to his small room to be alone for the rest of the night. He took off his gear and flung it on a storage box. The room used to be a storage room, but Aizawa didn't mind since it made him hidden away and out of the way of others. When he first arrived at the base from being taken, Shigaraki had told him to make himself at home in the storage room so he opened up a long semi tall box and made it into a bed.

Although he missed the dorms with his students and the school with his friends, he didn't mind the silence of the room. He even didn't get disturbed most days he wasn't busy working on missions, mainly because he put the lid of his box bed on whenever he was inside, though all of it made him miss the evening disturbances of his students.

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