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Parak Rose/Xiao Long

Name: Parak Rose/Xiao Long (a pun name for the color Parakeet)Gender: MaleRace/Species: Namekian (Warrior-Type)Height: 7'5Home: Namek (Formerly), RemnantPower Levels: 3,000 (During his birth and also his arrival to Remnant) 27,000 (Eventually)

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Name: Parak Rose/Xiao Long (a pun name for the color Parakeet)
Gender: Male
Race/Species: Namekian (Warrior-Type)
Height: 7'5
Home: Namek (Formerly), Remnant
Power Levels: 3,000 (During his birth and also his arrival to Remnant) 27,000 (Eventually).
Allegiance: Biological Family (Formerly), Rose/Xiao Long Family
Occupation: Huntsman-In-Training.

Parak mostly looks onto the positive side of things, but is aware of the negative aspects around the world. This gives him a gray outlook on life, but he continues to look on for the good of the people. He would also meditate or train in his free time just get stronger and be prepared for the threats ahead.

Despite his strict or calm demeanor he's kind and loves his surrogate family. He is very protective of them and he will make sure no harm wouldn't come to them though he made sure not to be overprotective. He shows kindness and respect to anyone he sees as an ally or friend. If anyone dares to harm them, he would pay them visit that would usually end badly for the opposers.

However it doesn't mean he's naive of the other aspects of life. When it's just sparring, he will hold back his strength since they are just fighting for the sake of it. It is noted that since Parak is a warrior type Namekian, he shows interest in martial arts at a young age and he would train just to get stronger even when he is already strong on his own right.

But when he gets serious he will not hold back in fight. He won't hesitate to kill if it is necessary. He makes sure his opponent stays dead.

Super Attack:
- Thorn Blow (Parak does a launching upkick, and teleports in front of the path of the opponent to kick them away.)

- Thorn Strike (Parak does a launching kick and teleports in front of opponent's path to kick them again. If Muruk is close enough to the ground and the second hit strikes opponent's back, this move will cause a hard knockdown.)

- Thorn Crash (He moves forward doing a series of kicks and punches in quick succession.)

- Rose/Xiao Long Rush (Parak, extends his arms and flails around while rising slowly, knocking opponents back before he follows up with a multitude of punches and kicks).

(Ki Blast)
- Thistle Blaster (Fires a rapid concentration of consecutive powerful ki-blast at the enemy).

- Flare Shot (Fire chargeable Ki Blasts. Charged Ki Blasts are more powerful than regular Ki Blasts.)

- Ki-Blast Cannon (Parak shoots a yellow shockwave from his palm, which deals small damage and staggers a juggled or knocked down opponent).

- Spiral Drill Beam (Parak places two fingers onto his forehead and concentrates the Ki in his fingertips and attack with a fierce powerful Ki beam).

- Full Power Energy Wave (Parak charges up and shoots a beam out of their right arm).

- Full Power Energy Blast Volley (Parak a barrage of powerful Ki blasts).

(Power Ups)
- Maximum Charge

- Afterimage
- Instant Rise

- Aura Barrier (Parak produces a blue energy barrier that makes the user invincible until they stop performing the technique. He can't attack when he performs this technique.)


*teleports in* Well this biography is finished so stay tuned for the biography!

A/N; Also, some of his attacks are based and similar to the ones in Xenoverse 2. And yes I'm aware Parak looks like Piccolo because of clothing especially the Spiral Drill Beam being similar to "Special Beam Cannon" but Xenoverse 2 didn't give me creative freedom to recolor Piccolo's clothing. Also Parak has a darker skin color than Piccolo. And plus I like the special beam Cannon and I made a different variant of it. Also Piccolo is my favorite character second to Captain Ginyu.

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