Chapter 1: The Namek and the Rose/Xiao Long Family

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~One Week Later~

It's been an unusual week for the Rose/Xiao Long Family. It's far from the unexpected turn events but having an adopted child that resembles nothing like a Faunus and Human is really unusual in a sense.

But there's nothing wrong about it, Taiyang has been treating the young Namekian as if he's his own son. And the two half-sisters treat the young Namek as he is their own biological brother. Of course Parak returned the same hospitality back to them. Taiyang made use of the guest room to make it as Parak's official bedroom. Luckily because of his humanoid physique made it easy for him puck out clothing for him fo wear.

Also, before you dear readers asked, YES! Taiyang and the sisters discovered he in fact doesn't have a penis! It didn't surprise Taiyang that much since he is an alien and concludes that because he's from a type of alien that doesn't have reproductive organs. Though he wonders how does his species they breed? He doesn't want to find that out yet.

However there are some problems that arose taking care of the little Namekian.

First and foremost, his appearance is so different and foreign from the rest of the world he's easily distinguishable, and would be questioned on why he looks different from an average Faunus. Taiyang fears at the thought if Atlas is aware of the alien boy, they might do something on him and he doesn't want that to happen to Parak. Even with the shadow war going on, he doesn't want his extraterrestrial son to be involved into some conflict. He already has enough of his family getting killed over this shadow war an

When some residence in Patch took notice of the Namekian, Taiyang made up a cover story to the residence of Patch that the little Namek is an adopted Slug Faunus, that was long extinct and is only the last of his kind. Basically a rare kind of Slug Faunus.

Secondly, it's a matter of biology of the alien child. Taiyang was worried that the boy might not have any food that would be compatibility with his biology. But he needs not to worry, he witness the Namek consume food and water like a regular person so that's one problem that is resolved. But there's a matter of medicine however the Namekian doesn't seem to get sick.

Of course when it comes to adopting an alien child, there are bound to be some interesting developments that occurred living with the Rose/Xiao-Long Family.

One of which is when Taiyang was cleaning the top of the roof from the snow, he fell off the roof by accident. Before any form of injury could happen to Tai, the young Namek in instinct concentrated his energy to fly up and grab Tai to mitigate the fall damage.

Taiyang was obviously shock by his ability of flight and took note of this. He made use of Parak' flying abilities when he needs help around the cabin.

Then there is that one time when Ruby was asking to get the jar of cookies from the top shelf, Parak simply stretch his arms to grab it from the tall shelf. Taiyang was there to witness it when Parak have stretch his arms. Tai spat his drink when he saw that. No doubt Ruby was amazed by Parak's abilities and so is Taiyang, but the father should have guessed this from an alien species but that won't stop him from being surprise of learning more of his alien son's abilities.

And there is that one time that really nearly gave Taiyang another case of a heart attack is when Parak decided to call his father through a very unusual line of communication. And it all happened when he was shopping for groceries.

Taiyang was at one of the super markets, searching through the abundance of products that the market could offer. As he then looks at his grocery list, he hears a voice inside his head, the voice of his son.

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