The Fearful Landing

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I never really liked turbulence... the bumps get me paranoid. The fact of me being 50,000 feet in the air  doesn't really phase me. It's like flying back home all over again, only's 50,000 feet above the sounds of firing artillery least they are ours. Or at least maybe the Canadians or The British. Rumors were that we already had allies on the ground but that could be easily bullshit. Privates are always talking, having their own News network. God damn it's annoying. " 1 hour to landing!!!" The air crewman's words echo to the cabin. The whole company echoed his words. I was shook. Fear never sit right in situations like this. I kept shaking as I get my gear on. "Battle belt. Check. My knife in my ankle pocket. Check." I stayed calm more as I listed off my equipment and gear. "Plate carrier. Good and tight on my chest. Let's check on my body armor plates. Ok. Front and back are there." I find my myself double. No. Triple check myself until finally battle belt sits snug on my waist, my body armor tight on my chest like a mini door. I wondered why everything sounded muffled. Turns out my headset was on this whole time. Sitting across my head, protecting my ears. And finally kkkmy helmet. Fastened chin straps, made sure it was good and snug on my head and I sat down. I dust couldn't stop hyperventilating...I clenched my rifle tight into my hands as the artillery rounds hit near our bird. Closer and closer, the more I couldn't all think. "Fuck." I said quietly in my head. I looked around and stared at my platoon. They were all all petrified. Most of these guys never came close to feeling the fear of their possible demise. And I a couldn't blame them..."30 minutes!!!" The crewman ppl playing  landexclaimed with the whole complaining lol echoing his words again. I continued to breathe. Just when I thought I got my barring, a loud metallic bang rattled the whole troop. Everyone was silent for a minute. Felt like a lengthy whole minute. So much suspense, sweat dripping from my forehead down to my chin. "What now? What's gonna happen? What the fuck?" I looked around frantically until I hear a soldier yell out. "Hey! We're        close to the ground. Everyone buckle l..." Just before the soldier could finish his sentence, another yells out in a panic. "Incoming!!! Rocket at our 3 o'cl...." With a flash of red light, left side of the plane went up in flames. 12 people including that soldier...disappeared in a blink of an eye. The plane touched down but sled down the tarmac with immense speed. I held on to my M4 for dear life along with my shoulder straps; making sure not one seem burst and turn me loose. The clanging of the parts of the plane rattle as everyone screamed their loudest in terror. "Please Lord. I don't want to go. Please I just to see her again. Please don't take me..." I screamed at the top of my lungs, begging and crying for a God to come save me. I couldn't leave her. Not Hannah. Not now. Please. I have to be home. I couldn't help but drown out the sounds of everyone screams and hear a faint whistling noise coming from my right. I couldn't make it out at first until it started to hear like it was coming closer and closer. I thought within those seconds and clenched my eyes closed tightly. "Awww shiiiiiit!!!" I rocket hit the tail of the plane, killing off another portion of the company and had the plane spinning out of control and into the airport with me feeling as if I drew my last breath.

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