The Change

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Call after call, text after text, haven't even had the opportunity to get breakfast. Wave upon wave of soldiers entering and exiting out of their rooms with their belongings. Yelling and screaming echoed from the outside of my window as I pack my large ruck. "Hurry up Spybuck!! We gotta go." "Simmons, let's go." "Moving Sargent..." Endless clamoring of voices; was enough to make my head hurt. Jesus... as I slammed my large Ruck and my duffel bag, I heard a large knock on my door. It was Reynolds, my roommate. He tripped over my bag and ran into his room to get his ruck. My curiosity finally got the best of me. "Hey! You have any idea on what the fuck is going on?!" I asked. "Beats me! Probably some training exercise!" He responded. One side of me did agree with him but with that slight churning gut in my stomach. I knew. Something wasn't right. And I was gonna find out. I carried my bags downstairs, two by two. I stood there placing my bags down in formation. One by one, I saw first platoon  accumulate. PVT Keys, PVT Perez, PFC Jimenez, SGT Marcus...second squad from first, bodies began to fill in the ranks. SSG Powell, my squad leader took his spot in right hand side of the formation. As I saw our Platoon Sergeant in the front of the formation, knew it was complete. In an instant, 1st Squad stacked in front of mine, third squad stacked behind and weapons squad stacked behind them. With one command..."Company!! Attention!!" Like cogs in a clock, Charlie company stood at attention with one swift motion.

The perfect synchronization...

Company Commander and 1st Sergeant overlooked the company, from headquarters, to 1st platoon, to 2nd, and finally to 3rd. It's like 1st Baxter knew we was ready. Or at least...that's how he saw it. "On the command of fall out, form a horse shoe around me!" The Company Commander cried out. "Fall out!" The whole company crowded around the Co and 1st Sergeant, ready to listen but you couldn't help but notice the murmuring and whispers. "Yo, what the fuck are we doing here?" "I don't know." "Do you think it's the Koreans?" "Nah. It's a training exercise. Don't sweat it." One by one I tuned into the chatter of the Soldiers. Constant guessing and theories all around. Until "At ease, men" the Co, demanded. All the extra conversation quickly ceased. "Listen up guys..." the Co continued. "I understand you are probably wondering why we are all here this early. Honestly...I'm not gonna sugar coat it. We are at war. "Silence consumed the air and with blank stairs and confusion as the Co continued. "Within less than 24 hours, the Russia has snuck on to American soil and attacked Washington DC. In coherence to this attack, Korea has also launch an attack on our naval ships and Seoul. Now I'm sure you are wondering "What does that mean for us?" Well it means all of Hawaii is deploying to South Korea as we speak. Except of now Washington is in need of bodies so our company will be heading in to assist. Any questions?" The crowd soldiers stay silent as they try to comprehend what they just heard. "At this time sir , do we know how Russia snuck in?" Sergeant Dylan for 3rd platoon asked. "At this time, all know is that their mode of transportation was commercial frigates and ships. Anymore details is still being discovered." The Co replied. "Anymore questions?" The 1st asks. "No? Then let's kill these motherfuckers!!" He exclaims. Hours passed by and I find myself getting on the next bus to the airfield wearing my plate carrier with my large ruck in my lap. I looked out the window and watched the sun glaring into my eyes. I felt the sweat from my face dripped down onto my cheeks hitting the top of my plate carrier. I was so nervous... "I want to fight. But I don't want to die." I thought frantically. I tried to keep myself calm but I couldn't. I kept hearing the conversations from people echoing in my head. Talking about "I'm gonna kill me a Russian!", or "I can't believe this is happening." "It is what it is. " I can't take it anymore. Fuck... "I reached down to look at my phone, I couldn't help but be in dread. I was scared of dying...and I scared to leave her behind... oh Hannah...I'll see you soon...I hope.

7 Dead men Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora