Escape attempt

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Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide at this point. We were pinned down and we all knew it. One false move, and we're dead. As the beads of sweat drips from my forehead, rapid thumping from chest consumes my cohesion. Can't focus, can't think straight and the guys needed me. But what can I do? I couldn't think straight and we was running out of time. I looked around the room to see I can think of something. "Ok...Jones cover the rear." I said. Hansen looked at me with fear in his eyes. "You got a plan?" He exclaimed. "Yes." I replied with false confidence that only I knew. I knew had to think and think fast. I continued to look around in the building for an idea and when I couldn't find anything, I looked outside. I peered through my Optics and scanned the area. Good news is: I saw a broken down Humvee that we could use for cover. Bad news? It was 500 meters out...and the sniper is still out there. I stared outside and took and took a deep breath. "This is it." I thought. "No other way but forward. "We are making a break for that humvee. We'll have to be fast. And for god sakes keep you head down!" Silence consumed the air after I spoke. Jones kept his eyes on the rear, traversing with his Machine gun. Cooper mustered the courage to ask a question. "Right. And who will cover us when we do run? It's not like the sniper has his fucking eyes somewhere else! What the fuck do we do about that?" I stayed silent as he continued to angrily rant behind me. I knew the answer to his question...I didn't like it...but I rather me...then them. I turned to face them. "I'm the distraction..." I moved closer to the door way; taking my time to not make myself noticeable. Hansen scooted closer to me while Cooper followed suit. I kept on thinking "what could do for a distraction?" I look around one more time; getting eyes on with a broken broomstick and rubble. Didn't really think te rubble would do me any good but that stick might help. I picked it up and started to have a plan accumulate in my head. I took of my helmet and placed it on the end of the broomstick. I held it close to me as I slowed my breathing. I looked at Hanson and gave him a nod. The terror in his eyes stained my mind as he knew he was the first to go. I carefully inched the stick out in the open; revealing my helmet. I shook it a little like I was fishing for catfish back home. Time slowed down. Felt the beads of sweat fall from my chin. I didn't take my eyes off the helmet. I could hear Hanson's heavy breathing inches from my ear as he watches just as closely. We waited then..."Contact!!!" Jones let out a 5 round burst from his M249 at our 6. Simultaneously I turned around to face Jones and heard a loud bang from the directions where my helmet was. Cooper and Hanson joined the firefight as I got down, staring at my large dent in my helmet. I was mesmerized by the size of but I couldn't stay like that forever. They needed me "Jones, sustain 5! Sustain 5! Cooper cover his right! Hanson with me!" One by one they moved into position as I barked out orders. Hanson and I Got into the prone and moved closer to our only exit. I reached for the broomstick to retrieve my helmet. My thought was maybe to get the sniper to shoot again and pray that his rifle was bolt action so Hanson could make break for it in a few seconds for the enemy had to rack the bolt back. I looked at Hanson. "Ok. When they pop this shot off I want you to run to that rubble! I promise you'll be fine. Ok?" I said. He looked at me with dread. "ARE YOU CRAZY ???" He responded. I knew we didn't have time for this. I sucked in my gut to make myself sound more authoritative. "THIS IS NOT A GOD DAMN DEBATE!! YOU'll go-" An eerie flash of light drowned my vision. All I could hear is a hint of white noise and muffled screaming. I felt myself trying to get up but kept stumbling back on the floor. I finally sat down and let my senses come back to me, little by little my hearing came back and my sight began vague blurs. A blurred outline of Hanson became visible but something was wrong. He wasn't moving. I looked up at Cooper and saw him out in the open unconscious. I turned to look around for  Jones until I felt a hand tug at my vest followed by muffled screaming. "Winston!!! We gotta goooo!!!" I shook my head to shake off the last bit of my disorientation I realized the build was in flames and bullets was wizzing by our heads. I reached for my rifle and loaded up my M320 grenade launcher and sat up just enough to shoot and not take a round to face and shot a support to have it crash down at the enemy. Russian screaming followed when the support fell. Me and Jones grabbed each other to make a break for it. I got a glimpse at Hanson. He laid motionless with half his body covered in rubble, multiple steel rods pierced his chest. We kept on moving as we took turns laying down fire until we got to cooper. By that time Cooper was getting up, me and Jones have our hands on his shoulders and lifted him up by his shoulder straps. A stray round hit Cooper in his leg and made him jump. I turned around and in slow motion I landed two rounds into the Russian soldier. But something caught my eye....something...big. "What was it Barry?" My therapist asked.

7 Dead men Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang