Chapter 3: The Possessive Mask And Cain

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[City-A Hero Association Headquarters]

The icy blue eyes met Sekingar's own gaze. "And, to answer your question, Executive Sekingar, I do not know how I arrived at this world, as I have told your associates yesterday."

The robotic hands opened up in an open gesture. "Before my arrival, in my homeworld..., several SCPs and some personnel started to disappear." Cain smiled gently at Sekingar and Child Emperor, where Child Emperor nodded for him to continue.

"The Foundation command, the O5, as I have explained yesterday, suspected rival organizations and traitors within Foundation ranks. Until of course, we detected a dimensional anomaly, and not to mention O5-11 and O5-12 disappearing in such a rift."

Child Emperor spoke up next, the lollipop set aside. "And how does the Foundation observe and detect dimensional anomalies?"

Cain smiled before replying. "From what I have observed since my arrival here, at the civilian level, the homeworld and this world is nearly identical. The difference being, that at homeworld the Foundation prizes on maintaining normalcy. While here, monsters and your heroes are a daily occurrence. The SCP Foundation is more technologically advanced in paratechnology and anomalous hazards, while the Hero Association seems to be more capable of dealing with monsters, and far advanced in certain robotic fields."

"Like the Hero, Drive Knight. The Foundation did have to deal with rampaging humanoid machines, but never really able to replicate them."

"But on the detection of dimensional anomalies, that technology is classified. I have an obligation to the SCP Foundation. They have machines and the means to detect other forms of anomalies, such as temporal. I have witnessed great things, terrible yes, but great things within the hold of the Foundation. Machines that contains Gods, the tools to bind reality benders-"

"Sorry, reality benders?"

"Yes, reality benders. There is a classification system drawn up by Dr. Alto Clef, and refined by Director Gears. Most of the low level ones use it for everyday purposes. A perpetually clean home, or some extra cash on hand. It is the more powerful ones that cause an uproar... I can see Child Emperor, that you seem to doubt it."

"Such things stated by you, Mr. Cain, have yet to be proven." Child Emperor shot back.

"SCP Foundation members are men and women of science. I've seen countless researchers such as you, scoffing at the idea of things that defy normalcy. In this world, you have monsters, beings and humans that perform outlandish and impressive feats, such as King, who according to the rumors, literally made a new canyon the other day*."

(*Saitama and Genos's training bout)

Sekingar, Child Emperor and the other executives murmured before they talked again. "You mentioned two of your O5 Council Members disappearing in the dimensional anomaly. Would they be willing to work with the Hero Association against the monsters?"

Cain shrugged. "I cannot say for sure what O5-11 and O5-12 will do, but their priority has always been ensuring the survival of mankind and safety from anomalies."

Clearing his own throat, Sekingar stood up. His mechanical oculus focused on Cain. "Mr. Cain, I believe that we can work together. Could you provide a description of those two Council Members? So that if they turn up, we can coordinate and work with them."

"Of course Executive Sekingar. In due time, one thing I would like to address is the monster attack from last week. The so aptly named 'Immortal Reptile' was under Foundation control."

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