Chapter 5: Apeiron

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[Monster Association Headquarters]

"It would appear that two of our Demon level members, Unihorn and Showerhead have been confirmed killed." The disembodied voice of Gyoro Gyoro rang out in the huge chamber of the assembled monsters.

"Furthermore, through aerial surveillance around the area, we have noticed a worrying threat of the S-Class hero, Genos." Some of the monsters growled and jeered at the mention of a hero.

"Residing in an apartment, two blocks away from this position at surface level." Gyoro Gyoro paused for a moment as silence reigned, until the monsters began to talk amongst themselves.

"Such a powerful hero residing in close proximity to our base, a threat like this forces our hand to accelerate the operations. S-Class Rank 16 Genos must be killed, his continued existence nearby could lead to discovery and ultimately forcing us to fight early on."

"We can take him on!"

"Let's go on a rampage! Kill every single one of these fucking humans!"

"While Lord Orochi and myself certainly appreciate the enthusiasm shared by all of you, we must be cautious. A strike team led by one of our executives shall engage Genos and eliminate him."

"Lord Gyoro Gyoro! If I may?" The voice came from Phoenix Man, the costumed monster lowering its head in submission as it flew in, a few figures trailing behind.

"Speak, Phoenix Man."

"I bring some new powerful monsters to our ranks, and in addition to Genos, another person currently resides in the apartment where Genos is living. Running through the Hero Registry, the man is Saitama, a C-Class Rank 2."

The assembled monsters started to cheer and laugh. "C-Class is a joke!"

"They ain't crap!"

"HOWEVER!" Phoenix Man shouted above the noise "Slicing through the Hero Association database thanks to our robotic monsters, the hero known as Saitama has broken every physical record set by previous S-Class heroes, including Superalloy Darkshine and perhaps King himself."

Gyoro Gyoro motioned for Phoenix Man to continue, taking in the new information as the smarter monsters pondered the words.

"Furthermore, the essay results from Saitama reveal an incredibly short intelligence and arrogance at first glance. Through some of the older reports in Z-City, it states that a bald hero had been present. And Genos has his own history of vigilantism against monsters. For him to enter the Hero Registry at the same time, we have ourselves a powerful duo."

"Interesting... this is certainly a revelation. I'll speak with you privately afterwards. Though this still does not change the fact that both this Saitama and Genos represent a serious threat to our side. I suppose there is no harm in thinning some numbers for the heroes."

"And now, for the new arrivals, I am Lord Gyoro Gyoro. The operations officer of Monster Association, and Lord Orochi, the King of Monsters."

The giant, looming form of Orochi gazed over the new arriving monsters as the other monsters fell into awed silence. The first was a tall human with strange markings all over his body. Two black blades held at his sides as the human stared back up at Orochi in mild interest. The second monster was a fiery humanoid, the illumination of flames a sharp contrast compared to the rest of the dark environment.

"This group" Gyoro Gyoro gestured to the larger group of monsters away from the trio. "Your disaster levels are Wolf and Tiger for all. And you two..."

Saitama and the SCPsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz