~Looking for Mr. Emo~

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Jeff was in his room. You see, ever since L.J went missing a week ago, Jeff got more and more worried that he could have gotten hurt.

Slenderman has said that the proxies will go look for him but Jeff offered to do it himself. Of course slenderman thinks it is to dangerous for Jeff to just go out and look for L.J and expect to not get himself hurt. I mean he can be anywhere and Jeff can run into wild animals or worst.

But Jeff didn't care, he didn't like the fact laughing jack was gone for a week and hasn't come back yet, so he just stayed in his room. He only showered and came out to eat.

7:22 PM

Slenderman put the food on the table, calling for everyone down. "Dinner is ready!" He shouted. He saw some coming down. When everyone was there, everyone started eating. Until Slenderman noticed something.. odd.

Jeff was not there, leaving slenderman confused. "Has anyone seen Jeff?" Slenderman asked everyone but had no one know. Slenderman got up and walked to Jeff's room. He knocked on his door. "Jeff, are you in there? Dinner is ready." Slenderman kept knocking, slenderman decided to walk inside. But when he entered, there was no sign of Jeff.

"JEFF?!" Slenderman started panicking. He then saw the window opened and saw the tied up blankets and knew. "That little boy just disobeyed me!" Slenderman was pissed, he never expected Jeff to just disobey him.

Earlier that day with Jeff at 5:35

Jeff checked if he has everything he needed "flashlight, some water, snacks, clothes." Jeff putting everything in his bag, zipping it up. "I finally have everything I need." Jeff said to himself, walking to his window, pushing it open.

Jeff threw the tided up blankets that was really his sheets. Jeff tied the end to something "hope that holds me."

Jeff turned around and put the note on the night stand. Jeff eyed the roses that L.J had gotten him. He grabbed one, taking a sniff "ahhh, smells so nice." Jeff said, putting the rose in his hair. Jeff walked back to the window, putting the backpack on his shoulders, and climbed down. 

Once he was down he looked into the forest, remembering L.J running into it when they had the fight. "Here I come L.J!" Jeff took off into the forest, starting his journey in the forest to look for laughing jack.

Back with slenderman

"Hoodie, Masky, Toby, tomorrow I need you guys to go out and look for Jeff before he gets himself hurt. Also you will need a bag for the travel. Don't come back until you can find Jeff and L.J!" Slenderman said, having the proxies nod and leave his office.

Slenderman stared at the note that he found on Jeff's night table. Slenderman finally picked it up to read.

"Dear Slenderman

I know you told me not to go looking laughing jack but I couldn't help but go and look for him. I know I'll get in trouble for disobeying you but I care a lot about L.J but, I'm the reason he ran away, so it's my fault he ran away. I will come back with L.J and prove you that I am able to bring him back!

Signed, Jeff"

"Jeff.. you Moran! Your gonna get yourself killed!" Slenderman couldn't believe that Jeff is punishing himself that can lead to his death but he risking it for laughing jack.

With Jeff

Jeff was running for about 2 hours now, it was about 7:35 by now. "Ugh, where could this clown be?!" Jeff was very agitated, where can this clown even run off to?!

Jeff sighed, really stressed out. "I really need a cigarette about now." Jeff sat down on a tree and took his bag off. Jeff took out the pack of cigarettes and a snack of potato chips.

Jeff opened his chips since he was quite hungry. Once he finished, he put it back in the bag.

Jeff opened the pack, taking a cigarette out. Jeff lit his cigarette, having his stress out. No one knew Jeff smoked, not even Slenderman. I mean he is only 19 so why would he let him. Jeff just stole them from his victims. Jeff doesn't really smoke all the time. Only when he is under pressure.

Jeff blew it out, quite pissed off at himself "Ugh, why am I stooping this low just for him?!" Jeff stood up and threw the bag over his shoulder. Jeff stomped on his cigarette and started walking.

5 hours later (12:42)

"UGH I BEEN WALKING FOR 5 HOURS NOW! I SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT THIS BEFORE I WANTED TO GO LOOK FOR THIS BITCH!!" Jeff was full of rage, why couldn't he just stay at the mansion?!

Even though Jeff was pissed off that he was looking for this clown, he realized the reason he didn't turn back by now.

Jeff wanted to bring L.J back, he didn't really understand why. No way he can be in love with him! NO WAY!! But Jeff still wasn't sure though, he just wanted L.J to come back.

Jeff all of sudden, felt dizzy. "No, please I gotta find L.J!!" Jeff tried to push himself until he fell forward. Jeff laid there, knocked out. Until..

He heard Something walked up to him, picking him up. He tried to see who it was, trying to push the hair out of his Face. but He wasn't able to control his body. So he went back to sleep.


*Yawn* Jeff woke up, rubbing his eyes. He saw a river and saw that he was laying on something or someone. He gasped, until he felt a hand on his head. "Calm down Jeff, I not gonna hurt you." He familiar voice said, a voice that Jeff didn't expect.

"Is that you L.J.." Jeff asked. "Of course, take a look." The familiar voice said. Jeff sat up, seeing it is really is him. Jeff all of a sudden started to tear up. "Why you cryi-" L.J was interrupted (why he keep getting interrupted (ง'̀-'́)ง) with Jeff hugging him.

"I THOUGHT YOU GOTTEN HURT STUPID!!" Jeff voice cracking up, so happy that he is alright. L.J sat there, before pulling him on his lap and hugging him back. "I'm fine, I knew someone would come find me but.. you?" L.J confused on why he was even looking for him.

"Cause I felt bad for what I did to you.. I shouldn't have said that to you. I should have thought about what I was saying.." Jeff apologized, hugging L.J tighter. L.J has a tiny smile on him and hugged him tighter too.

They stayed like that for about 5 minutes before Jeff fell asleep again. L.J just let Jeff head rest on his shoulder, running his hand though his hair. L.J enjoyed the moment a lot. "Hmmm, he has a rose in his hair.. he must love them!" L.J whispered to himself, sniffing the rose and holding Jeff closer. "God Jeff, you make me just melt." L.J snickered and hold Jeff while he started at the river.

~𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚔𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin