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So you are about to start your Pokémon journey as a Pokémon trainer in the Kanto region. You get up and dressed. Head up stairs.

MOM;Hey, good morning (your name).

"Good morning"

MOM;Are you ready to start your journey.

"Hail yeah"

MOM;Great, I made break fast.

You exightedly sit down and eat breakfast.

After that.

You take care of your dishes. You hug your mom.

"Love you Mom"

MOM;Love you too Son. Make sure to show me your Pokémon.

"O k, will do"

You leave to visit the professor.

Soon you get there.

You get up to the Professor.

PROFESSOR OAK;Good morning, are you ready to get your 1 st Pokémon?

"Yes I'm ready"

You were about to start looking when you hear an explosion.

Then 1 of his aids runs over.

PROFESSOR OAK AID;Professor, it went kaboom again.

He groans.

"Is it a Pokémon?"

PROFESSOR OAK;Yes, the Pokémon is called Voltorb. Do you want it?

"Yes please"

PROFESSOR OAK;Well, then it can be your starter.

You are given 5 Poké-balls and then the aid goes down stairs. There's some commotion. Then comes back up stairs with a different looking Poké-ball.


"What is this Poké-ball?"

PROFESSOR OAK;It's called the Premier Ball, it's supposed to commemorate a special event of some kind. Don't ask me what event was. We don't know.

"Alrighty then"

He hands you a Poké-dex. You thank him.

Then say goodbye. Visit with your mom. Show her Rico. He goes kaboom. With that. You give her a hug and leave before any thing else happens.

You start your Pokémon journey. At least in this story that is.

If you want a Pokémon to have a story, please comment, and if you want a specific personality trait like yandere, possessive, Etcetera, Etcetera. Please add that to the comment.

Weird starter Pokémon And GirlsWhere stories live. Discover now