Team Rocket meowth

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Jack even learned the moves assurance and Fury attack.

You do eventually leave the forrest.

Soon you end up tripping over some rock.

GUY;Hey, what are you doing? Tripping over my merchandise?

MEOWTH;Wait, you sell rocks? What a rip off. Lets go kid. We should go to get a badge or something.

"Sounds good(you look to the guy)Sorry about that. Have a good 1"

You and meowth go to the Pokémon center for a quick refresh of your Pokémon.

After that, you and Meowth soon find the gym.

Then enter it and see a dude sitting on a rock.

GUY;I am Brock. The rock type gym leader. Are you a challenger?


BROCK;We will use 2 Pokémon each. Lets rock and roll.

He throws out a Pokémon.

"Hu? What's this 1?"

You pull out your Poké-dex.

DEXTER;Geodude the rock Pokémon Found in fields and mountains. Mistaking them for boulders, people often step or trip on them.

"Alright, this 1 is gonna be tough. Oh. I got an idea"

You bring out Ned and have him use poison sting.

He does that, barely did any thing. It did poison him how ever.

You switch him out for Meowth.

"Use Fake out"

He does that and it doesn't do much. Geodude is hurt by poison. Not much though.

"Fury swipes"

He does that. Barley does any thing.

BROCK;Geodude, Tackle.

He does that. Meowth didn't expect him to be fast but he was and tackled Meowth.

Meowth barely survived.


Brock had him use tackle.

Meowth starts running like a chicken with it's head cut off.

At some point Meowth leaps over a boulder and Geodude went right in to it knocking him self out.

"Oh my God! That was awesome!"

MEOWTH;Yeah, no sweat kid.

He collapsed. Still able to battle, but exhausted.

Meowth got some levels.

BROCK;Oh, it's not over yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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