Team Rocket Meowth

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The both of you forgot about the battle and he got poison stung and poisoned.

It did damage(obviously).

"Oh man, sorry"

You throw a poké-ball





"Oh my God, that worked!?"

MEOTH;Yeah, now let's get back to da Pokémon center.

"Absolutely, thanks man"

You get him and your other Pokémon to the Pokémon center.

She heals them up and you go back to that other route and find

A wild spearow

You bring out meowth and have him use fake out. It did some damage.

"Use scratch"

He does that but he got out of the way.

As a side note, you nicknamed Nidoran female Ronda

Any how, on with the story.

"Use fury swipes"

It kept flying around.

You then got an idea

"Use fake out"

MEOWTH;(looks back at you Suprised)What!?

"Just do it"

But spearow did peck.

"Hang in there"

He does fake out and nothing happened. Spearow tilted his head.

"Use scratch"

He does that and you throw your last poké-ball.





You grab the poké-ball and nickname him Jack.

Then you go to the Pokémon center and have her heal up your Pokémon. Then go back to the forest and you eventually find and battle the samurai.

You send out Jack and has him use peck. 1 shot the Kakuna.

SAMURAI;Oh, I seen you've gotten better. But it's enough.

"We shall see"

He sent out the Pincer.

"Use peck"

Jack swooped down but gets caught in the vice grip.

"Use peck"

He does that and it forced Pincer to let go.

"Use peck again"

Jack does it again and faints the enemy Pincer.

Jack levels up.

SAMURAI;Great job. I accept my defeat and am honored to have battled you.

You go through the forest and end up battling a bunch of bug type trainers. Which gave Jack plenty of experience.

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