Team Rocket Meowth

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Meowth is walking beside you.

There is a rustle in the bushes.

You 2 look at each other.

MEOWTH;Oh, it could be a Pokémon.

"Dat could be right"

You 2 chuckle. The both of you approach the patch of tall grass and a Pokémon jumps out.

It's a Pikachu

"Meowth use Fury swipes"

MEOWTH;On it Kid!

He dies

Nah I'm just kittin around. It was a spelling error.

Meowth does it and did good damage.

You then throw a poké-ball at him.





Meowth then picks it up and brings it to you.

"Yes, we caught. A Pikachu. Thank you for the battle Meowth(looking at the poké-ball)I'm gonna call you Dr.Watts"

MEOWTH;Well, dats a cool name. Let's go kid.

"O k"

You said with a shoulder shrug. Then shrink it. Put it on your belt and kept walking.

Soon you 2 come across a sign

It says

Viridian Forest

MEOWTH;Well, let's go Kid.

With that, you both enter the forest. At some point, you encounter a weedle.

You have Meowth go in and do the same thing. Except right after you capture him. Meowth was poisoned.

You nicknamed your new Weedle Ned.

Then rush your Pokémon to the center.

NURSE JOY;Oh, looks like you encountered a Weedle. They have a move called poison sting. It damages the apponent and may cause the Pokémon to get poisoned. I can take care of all your Pokémon right away(does that and then gives them back to you. I recommend carrying antidotes and potions. You can find them at the marts.

"Thanks, have a fantastic day"

NURSE JOY;No problem, I hope you do the same.

You and Meowth leave with all your Pokémon in purrrfect health.

Tobe continued.

Weird starter Pokémon And Girlsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें